218 Chapter 10 Love is originally a heart-to-heart relationship ([-])
"What about you?" Gu Nuoxian stared at Ji Ruo's reluctant face, he knew something about Ji Ruo's thoughts in his heart.

"I want to stay here overnight."


"Then I won't leave, I'll stay here tonight." Gu Nuoxian said, putting his long legs on the coffee table, and added: "I can't sleep without you when I go back." Gu Nuoxian Nuo Xian looked rascal, determined not to go back.

Ji Ruo: "..."

Ji Pulin was naturally happy that the two of them wanted to stay at home. After eleven o'clock, when Ji Ruo went to bed, Gu Nuoxian had to go to the bathroom with an excuse.He went out of the room, instead of going to the bathroom, he went to the yard.

At this time, Ji Pulin, who should have fallen asleep earlier, was sitting in the courtyard, with his back to Gu Nuoxian looking at the sky, when he heard footsteps, he said without turning his head, "Sit down!"

Gu Nuoxian sat down on the seat opposite him, he raised his head slightly, and looked up at the sky with Ji Pulin.

The stars are shining brightly tonight, and the breeze is blowing. It is a good night to talk about your thoughts.

"Our girl is not bad at heart. No matter what purpose she approaches you, I ask you not to hurt her. I can tell that she likes you very much." As a father, Ji Pulin knows the character of his daughter very well. Ji Ruo suddenly said Ji Pulin naturally felt strange about getting married.He thought about it, and what worried Ji Ruo the most was his illness. It happened that Gu Nuoxian had the same illness as him, and when he thought about some things carefully, he could detect abnormalities.

The reason why Ji Ruo married Gu Nuoxian was definitely not because of love. Looking at the way the two children get along now, Ji Ruo also has feelings for Gu Nuoxian.

Gu Nuoxian was not surprised when he heard this, on the contrary, he seemed very calm and calm.Ji Pulin turned his head to look at the young man's face, his face was composed, as if he had already guessed it. "Son, didn't you...know it a long time ago?" Ji Pulin narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cloudy eyes suddenly became viciously clear.

Gu Nuoxian smiled very indifferently, "Father-in-law, a person like me would never let someone I don't know stay by my side." It's clear.

"Then why are you still willing to marry our girl?" In Ji Pulin's view, what Gu Nuoxian did was tantamount to digging his own grave.If Ji Ruo really did something to betray him, what should he do?
"She will never betray me." Gu Nuoxian seemed very determined.

For some reason, Ji Pulin was a little angry. "You are betting your life!"

Gu Nuoxian lowered his head, sighed lowly, and said in resignation: "A love is a heart-to-heart relationship."

"What if you lose the bet?"

The man shook his head, "I won't lose." Because that person is Ji Ruo, his Ji Ruo, will never betray him.He will not lose, even if he loses, it is because he surrendered willingly.

When Gu Nuoxian returned to the room, Ji Ruo was still waiting for him. Seeing him come back, Ji Ruo rolled his eyes, "How do you know he's back?" Ji Ruo turned over to make room for Gu Nuoxian to sleep, "Are you uncomfortable, why have you been there for so long?"

Gu Nuoxian shook his head, he lay down, hugged Ji Ruo in his arms, and asked softly, "Why do you want to spend the night here today?"

Ji Ruo huddled her head in his arms, she was silent for a few seconds, and replied sullenly: "My father is very ill, I want to spend more time with him while he is still alive." Thinking that father will die , Ji Ruo still felt very uncomfortable.

"Is there no way to cure him completely?"

The man in his arms shook his head, "No, Dad is terminally ill and cannot be cured. This is his fate, it is destined..." Just like I will meet you and fall in love with you, it is all destined.

In the darkness, Gu Nuoxian's eyes were bright.She could tell him her dilemma, she must know that with her heart for him, he would be willing to hand over the antidote to save his father-in-law.But she didn't say anything and chose to suffer in silence alone. Why did she do that?
But because of reluctance.

Sure enough, he didn't lose the bet, Ji Ruo was after all for him.

(End of this chapter)

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