S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 219 President Xiao An'an is a girl

Chapter 219 President Xiao An'an is a girl (1)
Upstairs was Ji Ruo, and the two had a good night's sleep.

Waking up early the next morning, the young couple went to a nearby supermarket to buy some gifts, and visited the neighbors in person.Ji Pulin lives alone, and neighbors take care of each other is indispensable in life. As a new uncle, Gu Nuoxian should pay a visit in person.

Ji Ruo grew up in this area, surrounded by famous uncles and aunts.Uncharacteristically, Gu Nuoxian was very accommodating throughout the whole process. When she met an aunt, she called her auntie, and when she met her aunt, she called her auntie. She didn't show the slightest bit of impatience.

The young couple had dinner with Ji Pulin at noon, and then they left Ji's father's house holding hands.

Just as the two of them got into the car, Gu Nuoxian's cell phone rang like life-threatening.

"it's me."

Gu Nuoxian put on the bluetooth headset and talked to the person on the phone in a formulaic way.

"The Lyell Consortium in Australia? I remember that the meeting with them was originally scheduled for 09:30 tomorrow morning. Why is it brought forward?" The caller on the other end seemed to be explaining something. Gu Nuoxian glanced at Ji Ruo and said to the phone Li said, "Wait a minute."

"Are you going home or going to the set?" Gu Nuoxian asked Ji Ruo.

Ji Ruo blinked, and replied, "I'm going on a business trip to City B in the afternoon, and the flight is at 01:30." Gu Nuoxian's eyes sank, "You didn't tell me." His voice was more severe and displeased.

"I was going to tell you."

Gu Nuoxian looked at her twice more, full of helplessness. "Chong'an, the meeting has been postponed until 02:30. I have some personal matters. Please entertain me first." After he finished speaking, he cut off the call.

Ji Ruo carefully glanced at the man with displeased eyes, and asked, "Are you angry?" Gu Nuoxian snorted coldly, "No next time." Cutting first and playing later, it won't work for him.

"I promise, there will be no next time." Ji Ruo was very obedient.

Gu Nuoxian glared at her. If Ji Ruo cooperated so much, he had nothing to say.

The two returned home, Ji Ruo hurriedly packed her luggage, and went straight to the airport with the suitcase.It was rare that there was no traffic jam along the way. When the two arrived at the airport at just one o'clock, just in time for the check-in time, Gu Nuoxian helped Ji Ruo carry the suitcase out of the car, and the two walked into the airport side by side.

Luo Tong was anxiously walking back and forth at the airport, Zhutong looked at her helplessly, another boarding reminder was broadcast on the radio, Ji Ruo was late.

"They're here." Zhutong saw Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian appearing together at the airport, and looked away a little.

Luo Tong looked over, and naturally saw Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian.Ji Ruo was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, standing next to Gu Nuoxian. The two were equally tall and proud. Standing together, they were both male and female, and they were very suitable.

"Ah Ruo, do you still know to come? Say, why is the phone turned off?" Luo Tong glared at Ji Ruo, who shook the black screen phone, and replied in a low voice: "It's out of battery..." Luo Tong cut out the phone again. After glancing at Ji Ruo, he respectfully greeted Gu Nuoxian who was expressionless beside him: "Mr. Gu, are you here to see Ji Ruo off in person?"

"En." Gu Nuoxian replied coldly, but looked at Zhu Tong who was behind Luo Tong with a calm expression.

This was the second time he met Ji Ruo's assistant. The first time he met Zhutong was at his wedding with Ji Ruo. There were many guests that day, and he didn't pay much attention to this young man.This time it was getting closer, Gu Nuoxian couldn't help but look at Zhutong a few more times.

The young man is just over 1.8 meters tall, with long chestnut hair and clear eyes.Zhutong is handsome and graceful, the kind of appearance that is reassuring at first glance.This harmless young man, Gu Nuoxian couldn't see through him, Zhutong seemed to be covered with a film, blocking all prying eyes from the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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