S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 248 If you are hunted down, please live on

Chapter 248: If You Are Chased, Please Survive (10)
Just when the sniper was in a daze, Xia Zuo's warm voice came again in his ears.

Shooting again made Donnie feel a little flustered.

Pressing the trigger with his finger, the bullet failed to hit Gu Nuoxian this time and missed by a few centimeters.The bullet rubbed against the ground, sparking a burst of flames, Gu Nuoxian's eyes jumped, the car was about to explode!The Land Rover has been modified, and there is a bomb and some small ammunition under the compartment!

If this explodes...

His complexion suddenly changed, Gu Nuoxian didn't have time to think, he kicked his legs on the cliff, and jumped down the unknown dark cliff.

As soon as he took off, the Land Rover behind him exploded.

Land Rover's explosion sounded one after another, and the abnormal sound alarmed the attention of some people on the other side of the coastline.Everything that happened here was finally noticed.The shattered residue splashed and bounced away, and some even stuck into Gu Nuoxian's back.


The severe back pain made Gu Nuoxian groan.

Another piece of glass flew down and hit him on the back.Gu Nuoxian stared and suddenly lost consciousness.The body of the unconscious man smashed into the sea like a petrel without vitality, falling to the deepest part of the seabed.

Looking at Ji Ruo's sudden fall from a high altitude, her head plunged into the sea and there was no moving black shadow, her pretty face turned pale in an instant.

"Gu Nuoxian!"

She was shocked, and plunged into the sea again, flapping her arms and swimming towards the direction where Gu Nuoxian fell.

She searched repeatedly in the sea, and when she couldn't hold on anymore, she came out of the water to take a few breaths of air. She was already exhausted, and only her thoughts remained to support her to grit her teeth and persevere.The waves were rough, and Gu Nuoxian didn't know where he was swept away. In the huge bay, looking for an unconscious person is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Colonel, do you want to send someone to find Eric's whereabouts?"

The sniper jumped from the tree and interrogated the man on the top of the hill.

Xia Zuo was about to nod when he suddenly heard the sound of a locomotive roaring.The voice came from far to near, with arrogance and arrogance.Xia Zuo raised his night vision goggles and looked down. On the spacious and deserted winding road, only a black Harley motorcycle was galloping towards the incident.

The owner of the motorcycle was a girl with long hair over her shoulders, wearing a white suit jacket and black tight trousers.Girls love Givenchy as much as she loves to torture her enemies with perverted means.

The girl was carrying a heavy machine gun on her back, and her beautiful face was full of anger.

This is a girl who is too domineering to be underestimated!

When he saw the man's face clearly, Xia Zuo's expression changed.

"Gu Nuoyan!" In his voice of gnashing teeth, there was indistinct anger and...complicated.You Ze was taken aback, and immediately said to the person in the earphone, "Donnie, retreat quickly!"

"You're not looking for anyone?"

"That's too late."

"What do you mean?" Downey frowned, walking down the mountain.You Ze took a deep breath, and his voice became more cautious and fearful.

"Gu Nuoyan is here."

Hearing this, Downey paused. He bowed his head and remained silent for two seconds before turning around and walking towards the top of the mountain.

Several cars were still burning, and the driver's body inside was scorched black, and the smell of roasted human flesh came to the face.

The black Harley stopped beside the burning Land Rover, the high heels knocked on the concrete floor, the girl went straight to the Land Rover, she first glanced at Hei San's horrific corpse, and then looked into the Land Rover.

There was only a roaring fire in the carriage, and the man she cared about was not inside.The peach blossom eyes full of anger softened slightly, Gu Nuoyan turned her head and looked at the mountain behind her, a coldness flashed in her eyes.

She raised her right hand, with the back of her hand facing the mountain, her five fingers were slender and white.The four fingers are bent and closed together, leaving only one middle finger facing the sky.

With a majestic and handsome face, Xia Zuo seemed to have swallowed a fly.

Gu Nuoyan's exquisite double petals opened and closed, and she said to the direction of the mountain with her lips: "Xia Zuo, we are not finished!" Gu Nuoyan's face was slightly cold, and her peach eyes were full of coldness.

Staring at the girl who gave her the middle finger, her emerald green eyes changed again and again.

Gu Nuoyan withdrew her gaze, bent over and picked up Hei San's body, and put him on the Harley, then walked to the edge of the cliff, her eyes swept across the bay below.

In the dark night, Gu Nuoyan's eyes were like a torch, and her vision was not affected by the darkness at all.Faintly, she saw a woman floating out of the sea. The woman opened her mouth and let out a few breaths before falling headfirst into the deep sea.

"Is this my sister-in-law..." Fingers touched the beautiful lower lip, and Qingcheng's face showed playfulness. "What a beauty!"

(End of this chapter)

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