S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 249 Ruo Ruo You Take My Zhang Home

Chapter 249 Ruo Ruo You Take Me Home (1)
Going against the waves is even more difficult for Ji Ruo, who is already physically exhausted.

After bouncing back and forth three times but still not finding Gu Nuoxian, Ji Ruo became more and more restless in his heart. Every time the time moved back by one second, Gu Nuoxian was more dangerous.

Gu Nuoxian, wait for me!
Ji Ruo took a few deep breaths, waved his weak limbs again, and dived into the depths of the sea.

On the edge of the cliff, Gu Nuoyan looked at the shadow that plunged into the sea again, her eyes became serious little by little.She pulled out her mobile phone and made a call, "Song Yu, if you don't want your elder brother to die, hurry up and send someone to Qianhai Bay, Luocha Town, City B." After speaking, Gu Nuoyan pressed the end button.

Not long after Song Yu fell asleep, when he received a call from Gu Nuoyan, he woke up completely drowsy.A carp stood upright, Song Yu turned over from the bed and got off the ground, and hurriedly called the branch leader of City B.He hung up the phone, put on his clothes, and headed to the airport.

It has been 10 minutes since Gu Nuoxian fell into the sea, but Ji Ruo still hasn't found anyone else.

The almond eyes were soaked in seawater, and Ji Ruo's vision was hazy, and he could hardly see ahead.The moonlight was cold, and the faint light shot into the sea, making the sea even colder.Gritting her teeth and swimming to the bottom of the sea, Ji Ruo held her breath and looked around with anxious eyes.

At this moment, Ji Ruo deeply understood the words that Gu Nuoxian said in the daytime: Just thinking that you might die, my heart will break.

Are you heartbroken?
More than heartbreak.

Ji Ruo shook her head, and her consciousness struggled to support her to move on. Suddenly, Ji Ruo's eyes lighted up slightly, and she saw a man in white lying on the fine sand obliquely in front of her.The seawater swallowed Gu Nuoxian completely, and the seawater lingering around him was dyed bright red by his blood.

With red eyes, Ji Ruo opened his mouth, spit out sea water, and swam towards Gu Nuoxian.Holding the man's unresponsive body in his arms, Ji Ruo looked at Gu Nuoxian's bloodless face with his eyes closed tightly, and his heart ached again.

You promised me not to die.

Putting her hands around Gu Nuoxian's armpits, Ji Ruo supported Gu Nuoxian's arms, swung her frail legs vigorously, and swam towards the sea.It took Ji Ruo more than two minutes to cover the short distance of twenty meters.

The two heads surfaced, and Ji Ruo spat out the sea water.

She cupped the chin of the man in her arms, squeezed the man's lips, and breathed into his mouth.The unconscious man was unconscious, Ji Ruo was anxious, she pressed Gu Nuoxian's lungs, Gu Nuoxian's slightly opened mouth flowed out sea water.Seeing this, Ji Ruo was overjoyed, and hurriedly gave him another breath.

One breath after another passed from Ji Ruo's mouth to Gu Nuoxian's lungs, Ji Ruo pressed Gu Nuoxian's lungs again, watching more sea water spit out from his mouth, Ji Ruo's eyes became brighter. "Gu Nuoxian, wake up quickly!"

Carefully holding up Gu Nuoxian's chin, Ji Ruo's legs swung in the sea, using the buoyancy of the water to prevent the person in his arms from falling.

Gu Nuoxian still closed his eyes and did not respond, Ji Ruo waited for a few seconds, seeing that he hadn't woken up yet, the tears that he had endured for a long time finally fell. "Gu Nuoxian, are you really going to abandon me..." With his head tucked into Gu Nuoxian's neck, big teardrops gushed out from Ji Ruo's eyes, dripped into the sea, and blended with the sea.

"Don't...don't cry..."

Qi Ruoyousi's voice sounded in the sea, right next to Ji Ruo's ear.

Tears were blocked back to the eyes by Ji Ruo, she raised her head, and saw the delicate and handsome face held in her palm opened her eyes, her face was full of disbelief. "You're not dead?" Gu Nuoxian stared at Ji Ruo, whose eyes were slightly red with narrowed eyes, unable to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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