S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 250 Ruo Ruo You Take My Zhang Home

Chapter 250 Ruo Ruo You Take Me Home (2)
Ji Ruo pinched the man's cheek, seeing Gu Nuoxian frowning successfully, Ji Ruo felt relieved.

"You're still alive!" She suddenly hugged Gu Nuoxian with joy in her eyes. "You are still alive, you are not dead, you are still alive..." Holding the man in his arms, Ji Ruo was excited for a moment, and the sudden burst of strength strangled the man into a dumpling, making him unable to breathe.

"First, let go...cough cough!" Gu Nuoxian coughed violently and spit out two mouthfuls of cold and salty sea water. Ji Ruo felt her recklessness and quickly loosened her arms.The person in his arms softened and slid into the sea again, Ji Ruo was startled, and quickly stretched out his arms to wrap around Gu Nuoxian's arms, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"I'm so happy, I can't control it!"

Gu Nuoxian looked at her quietly, did not speak, and did not reach out to pat her on the head as usual.He really didn't have the strength anymore, the only thing that remained the same as before was his pampering eyes.

Watched by him with a pair of affectionate and unrepentant eyes, Ji Ruo finally regained his composure.

"You're still alive, I... cough cough! How can I... be willing to leave you?" After Gu Nuoxian finished speaking, his head suddenly hit Ji Ruo's chest, "I'm powerless, Ruoruo you..." Gu Nuoxian closed his eyes Eyes closed, tone weak, "Ruoruo, take me home..."

After finishing the last word, Gu Nuoxian passed out completely.

Ji Ruo panicked, she felt the person in her arms still breathing weakly, and forced herself to calm down.Strengthening his arms, Ji Ruo grabbed his left arm with one hand and said, "Okay, I will definitely send you home intact!"

"Go back to our home!"

Ji Ruo swung her right arm and legs at the same time, and swam towards the shallow shore of the bay.

Gu Nuoyan took out a nylon rope from the Harley carriage, tied one end of the rope to a small tree trunk with the thickness of a bowl, threw the other end under the cliff, dragged the rope with both hands, and went down the cliff to the sea.

The closer he was to the reef, the more relaxed Ji Ruoxin became, and the weaker his body became.She was almost unable to hold on anymore, her arms were so sore that she could hardly lift them, and the speed of the parade also slowed down.

It's almost there, and she can't give up!

Gritting her teeth, Ji Ruo shook her increasingly cloudy head, raised her stiff legs mechanically, and swam towards the rocks.

The swimming arm stretched out of the sea, and was grabbed by a warm thin hand.Ji Ruo was startled, then raised her head abruptly, and met a pair of charming peach blossom eyes.

Those eyes were brown and black, like a vast ocean.

"Grab me!"

The girl opened her mouth, her voice was not as clear and soft as ordinary girls, but it was hoarse and sexy, like a piece of foxtail brushing through people's heart, itchy, crispy, and intriguing.Ji Ruo blinked, bent her five fingers, and clasped them tightly with Gu Nuoyan's.

Going up with the right hand, Ji Ruo was easily pulled onto the reef by Gu Nuoyan.

Ji Ruo lay on the rocks, grabbed Gu Nuoxian by the shoulders, and dragged him to the rocks.Ji Ruo sat on the rock, hugging Gu Nuoxian in his arms, too tired to lift his head.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Gu Nuoyan. I'm very satisfied with your sister-in-law!"

Ji Ruo raised her head slowly, and looked at the tall and graceful girl in front of her, with a silvery moonlight above her head, wearing white clothes and black trousers, and black high-heeled shoes. Three thousand green silk and black silk were blown flying by the sea breeze.Under the black hair, she has a beautiful face, and her facial features are extremely delicate, almost like Gu Yanxi's face.

The only difference between the two is their eyes.

The same peach blossom eyes, Gu Yanxi's eyes contain the stars and the Milky Way, while Gu Nuoyan's eyes contain the vast ocean and deep sea.

This girl is so beautiful that she is arrogant, she is like a blooming poppy, her appearance is exquisite and seductive, she exudes a deadly and dangerous aura, which makes people addicted and die.

(End of this chapter)

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