Chapter 269 The matter of principle cannot be compromised (3)
In the dark corner, a pair of white canvas shoes appeared. Up the picture was a pair of scarred legs, and then up was the ugly and terrifying face of the mute.


A timid woman called out.

Gu Nuoxian stared at the ugly woman in the camera in astonishment, but suddenly he looked away and looked at the bright and charming Ji Ruo beside him, the contrast in his heart was extremely huge. "This make-up artist has a grudge against you, right? If I am so good-looking, she turned me into a monster."

Gu Nuoxian muttered to vent his dissatisfaction, Ji Ruo shook his head helplessly, can you blame the makeup artist?
After watching the entire movie with dissatisfaction, if you ask Gu Nuoxian what the movie is about, he will definitely not be able to answer.If you ask her how many minutes Ji Ruo has been there, how many times she laughed, how many times she cried, and how many times she changed clothes, he will be able to tell you without any mistakes.

His eyes were on her the whole time, and he never moved away for a minute, a second, and an inch.

The lights were turned on, and someone walked out of the auditorium crying, but Gu Nuoxian leaned back in his chair and remained silent.Ji Ruo pushed his arm and said, "It's time to go, why don't you sit here and wait for the next movie?" Ji Ruo put on her sunglasses again and stood up from the chair.

Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo's face under the headlight, feeling a little dazed.

"Don't take this kind of role in the future."


"In the future, let others play such self-destructive roles. You are so beautiful, it would be too much for me not to play a peerless beauty!" After speaking, Uncle Nuo stood up, took Ji Ruo's hand and walked out of the auditorium.

The two returned to the car, Gu Nuoxian drove the driver out of the car, half pushed and half pushed Ji Ruo down, and walked to the rear compartment with his arms around her.

Just as she was seated, Gu Nuoxian suddenly put Ji Ruo on the reclining chair. Ji Ruo exclaimed, and a big hand lifted her skirt at this moment.As soon as the lower body became cold, Ji Ruo had no time to stop it, and the lower body was already showing the spring light.

"Gu Nuoxian, are you fucking courting death?"

Ji Ruo was furious and became speechless.Raising her arm, she made a gesture to hit Gu Nuoxian.The man stretched out his hands to clamp her waving arms. Regardless of Ji Ruo's glaring gaze, he lowered his head and carefully looked at Ji Ruo's thighs. He was relieved to confirm with his own eyes that Ji Ruo's thighs were still fair and intact.

"Fortunately, you're not really hurt."

To be honest, when Ji Ruochu appeared on the big screen just now, Gu Nuoxian felt a sharp pain in his heart.At that moment, unrealistic and absurd thoughts suddenly popped up in his mind. Looking at the scars on Ji Ruo's thighs and face, he couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion.

As long as he thinks that his beautiful Ruoruo will become like in the movie, he can't help but feel flustered.Hearing Gu Nuoxian's raving words, Ji Ruo froze for a moment, and the anger in his eyes suddenly faded away.

Letting go of Ji Ruo with his big hand, Gu Nuoxian sat on the side seat and looked ahead.Ji Ruo pulled down the hem of her skirt and sat down next to him, then comforted him softly, "Gu Nuoxian, it's just a movie, don't take it seriously."

Gu Nuoxian glanced at her, a trace of unease flashed across his face, "Who is serious?" Uncle Nuo raised his legs, his eyes dodged, and he stopped looking at Ji Ruo.

Looking at Gu Nuoxian who refused to admit it, Ji Ruo suddenly thought of a word——

Dead arrogant.

"Virtual Mirror" is a big hit at the box office. Some people in the film industry predicted that the total box office should not be less than 6 million.It is rare for a suspenseful crime movie to be so favored by people in the film industry.

In just one week since the film was released, the total box office has reached [-] million. As a relatively unpopular suspense film, it is already a remarkable achievement for Xu Jing to achieve such good results in a short period of time.As for how much it can reach in the end, it is still unknown. If there is no accident, it is conservatively estimated that it should not be less than [-] million.

(End of this chapter)

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