Chapter 270 The matter of principle cannot be compromised (4)
There was a lot of applause on the Internet, and strong shouts from the audience. In the movie theater, there were virtual mirrors of gears almost all day long.

Almost all the main actors who starred in the virtual mirror are getting more and more worth, Ye Junran has once again become a hot topic among the people, and Ji Ruo has also received a lot of announcement invitations and advertisement endorsements during this period.

Parked the car downstairs in the artist's dormitory, Ji Ruoshu went upstairs and opened the door of her former residence.

When he opened the door, Ji Ruo was taken aback.There was a man who didn't belong here on the sofa.

"Director Liu, why are you here?"

Ji Ruo changed his shoes, and walked towards Liu Yuebo who was sitting on the sofa with a master attitude.Hearing the movement, Liu Yuebo turned to look at Ji Ruo, "You can come here, why can't I?" Liu Yuebo's face was filled with a reasonable smirk, as if Ji Ruo asked an idiot question.

Ji Ruo shrugged, threw the satchel on the sofa, and fell on his back.

Hearing the conversation in the living room, Luo Tong came out of the kitchen with a plate of washed grapes in her hand.Liu Yuebo took the initiative to take the grapes, pushed the plate in front of Ji Ruo, and said, "Try it, Luo Tong went downstairs to buy it himself in the sun."

Hearing this baby-like tone, Ji Ruo was taken aback for a moment, she picked up a grape and threw it into her mouth, then squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the man and woman in front of her.Luo Tong was wearing a milky white top, a blue A-line long skirt, and her long hair was casually tied into a ponytail. Even after thirty, she still had a pretty face full of collagen, which made Ji Ruo a little jealous.

Luo Tong sat less than [-] centimeters away from Liu Yuebo, with her feet resting on Liu Yuebo's lap. No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like an interaction that only a couple should have.No matter how stupid Ji Ruo is, he should understand what this means.

She gulped down the grapes in one gulp, and asked in surprise, "Are you a couple of dogs, are you dating behind my back?"

Luo Tong glared at her, and Liu Yuebo smiled half a smile.Luo Tong grabbed a grape and threw it into Ji Ruo's mouth, and scolded with a smile: "A dog can't spit out ivory, please accumulate some virtue!"

Ji Ruoqiao's face turned cold, she looked very intimidating.Luo Tong was stunned, hummed, pointed to his calf, and said to Liu Yuebo: "My ankle hurts a bit, high heels are really not for people to wear."

"Then don't wear them. You are not short, and you look just as good in flat shoes."

When Liu Yuebo said this, his eyes were so doting that he almost fell out of water.Looking at the frequent interaction between the two, Ji Ruo felt goosebumps all over her body. "Hey! I can't do it anymore. My eyes are going to go blind. My God, come and see, there's a big pink light in front of my eyes!" Ji Ruo closed her eyes exaggeratedly, pretending to be blind and touching an elephant, with her hands moving around in the air groping.


Luo Tong blushed, "Ah Ruo, I called you here because I have something serious to tell you."

Ji Ruo straightened her attitude and sat on the sofa, "What's the matter?"

Luo Tong got up and went back to the room, and came out again, holding a large pile of materials and program scripts in his hands. "The announcements and commercial endorsements these days have been soft. These are the variety shows and commercial endorsements that I have carefully selected to suit you best. Take a look for yourself, choose a few you like, and I will reply to the other party."

Ji Ruo took it, glanced at it, and jumped out of two variety show announcements, and chose three more commercial endorsements, namely shampoo commercials, perfume commercials, and the domestic "Rising" car endorsement.

"That's all. My next work will focus on movies. "Kill Her, Fall in Love with Him" ​​is a Lunar New Year movie. I have to work hard to treat it. Also, in three days, I will go to Lin Feitong to open the movie. It’s the day of the concert. I’m going to the rehearsal for the concert tomorrow. I don’t want to take any announcements these days. screwed up."

(End of this chapter)

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