Chapter 271 The matter of principle cannot be compromised (5)
Ji Ruo attaches great importance to this concert, and she prefers singing to acting.After she gets a place in the film industry, she hopes to return to her original aspiration and insist on making music.Attending Lin Feitong's concert as a guest this time is a test of the water and a challenge to herself.

Luo Tong thought about it and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, have you chosen a song to sing?"

"I've chosen it. The first song is to sing her classic dance music with Lin Feitong. As for the content of my personal performance, I will keep it a secret for now." Ji Ruo blinked mysteriously, making Luo Tong's heart itch.Liu Yuebo looked at the eager light in Ji Ruo's eyes, and suddenly smiled.

"Ji Ruo, don't you want to sing your own song?"

Liu Yuebo spoke suddenly, Ji Ruo and Luo Tong were stunned.

The former is surprise, the latter is shock.

"How did you guess it?" Ji Ruo was a little surprised. Apart from Lin Feitong and her team, Ji Ruo had never mentioned this to anyone else.Liu Yuebo shrugged and didn't reply. He had read Ji Ruo's information many times. The original intention of this girl to enter the industry was to make music and become an actress. It was completely helpless.

Luo Tong was even more shocked when he heard Ji Ruo say this, "Ah Ruo, do you really want to sing your own song?"

Ji Ruo nodded.

"You haven't released a new song for many years. This is a live performance, not a recorded song like an episode of Ode to a Beauty. If your performance is not satisfactory this time, it will drag Lin Feitong down." Luo Tong looked cautious, she was against it Ji Ruo did this.

Ji Ruo smiled, neither defending nor making any promises.

Luo Tong's complex eyes stared deeply at Ji Ruo for a long time, seeing that Ji Ruo had really made up her mind, she sighed softly, not knowing what to say. "By the way, I have another matter for calling you here today."

"what's up?"

Luo Tong opened the small cabinet under the coffee table and took out a script from it.

"This, I finally got it for you, take a closer look."

Seeing Luo Tong's serious face, Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows a little curiously, she took the script and glanced at it, and was stunned after just one glance.


Ji Ruo exclaimed, shock flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, it's the only one in the history of M country's film industry who has won the Thomas Film Festival Best Director Award three times in a row, Aldridge, director Thompson." Luo Tong was very satisfied with Ji Ruo's reaction. "The script in your hand is the latest movie script that Director Thompson is going to start shooting at the end of the year. There is an Asian female character in the movie. Director Thompson hopes to select an actress from our country to participate in the movie."

Ji Ruo showed excitement, "I...are also on the audition list?" Ji Ruo's tongue was a little knotted.Different from Ji Ruo's flustered reaction, Luo Tong was quite sensible, she nodded seriously, and pretended to be calm and said, "Do you know who else is going to audition with you?"

Ji Ruo thought for a while, then tentatively asked, "Yingmei?"

"It's not just her."

"Who else is there?"

Luo Tong smiled mysteriously, opened her red lips, and said a name that had once amazed the entire entertainment industry in country C.

"Shao Yunqi!"

Shao Yunqi, the only actress in country C's entertainment industry who has won Best Actress at the Thomas International Film Festival!This woman was only 29 when she won the award, and she is only 33 now.Shao Yunqi is now in a semi-retired state. The film she won was directed by Thompson. She and Thompson are in the same relationship as Liangma and Bole. Now that Thompson's role is needed, Shao Yunqi will definitely agree to come out.

Regarding Ying Mei, Ji Ruo has no timidity in her heart.

Regarding Shao Yunqi, Ji Ruo had no idea.

"Huh!" Ji Ruo let out a long breath, leaned his head on the back of the sofa, and sighed, "There is a long way to go!" Almond eyes glanced at the scorching sun outside the window, and Ji Ruo's face revealed a look of determination. "Sister Tong, let's fight! Let's move forward boldly together, even if we hit our heads badly, it doesn't matter."

Hearing Ji Ruo's words, Luo Tong was startled for a moment, and then smiled. "it is good!"

Liu Yuebo looked at these two ambitious women, and coldly pointed out a cruel fact: "Mr. Gu let you go so far away? I heard that Mr. Gu is very possessive. Understand, he won't agree to you going so far away."

As soon as these words came out, the room was silent.

Ji Ruo withdrew her gaze and looked at the posters of her debut on the wall of the dormitory. For the first time, there was a strong longing and pursuit in her eyes. "I have the path I want to go, and I also have my pursuit and desire. I am myself first, and his wife second."

She can tolerate that man's unreasonable troubles on weekdays, but she will never back down on this matter!
"A matter of principle, we cannot back down."

(End of this chapter)

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