S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 289 Three Cups of Wine

Chapter 289 Three Cups of Wine Toast to the New Year's Peace and Longevity (9)
A girl sitting below tapped her fingers on the desk, she thought for a while, and answered uncertainly, "Could it be the abbreviation of Dead?"

"I think it's possible." Another middle-aged man echoed.

Cheng Rongen crossed his chest and looked at the photo with D printed on it for a while, then adjusted his police cap, and said, "I'll go and see the scene!"


After crossing the cordon, Cheng Rongen put on his gloves and gloves, and walked into the villa in silence.

The deceased was taken away by the police station, and the blood of the deceased in the hall had coagulated.There were traces of the deceased struggling before dying on the ground, and there was no trace of damage in the house, nor was there any trace of strangers breaking in.

There are only traces of the deceased dragging his sick body and struggling to the side of the landline to call the police.

Cheng Rongen scouted the villa carefully, but still found nothing.

The bullet killed him with one blow, but where did it come from?

Cheng Rongen imagined the scene of the deceased before he died. The place where he fell should be next to the sofa, which means that the deceased was probably killed while watching TV.A person who can approach him while he is watching TV must be someone who is extremely familiar.

But it seemed that there was only the dead person in the house, so where did the killer's bullet come from?

Cheng Rongen walked quickly to the window sill next to the sofa. He opened the curtains, stuck his head out of the window, and glanced at the lawn under the window sill.Nothing unusual could be seen on the lawn, the grass was verdant and there was no sign of being trampled or damaged.

Cheng Rongen frowned, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he looked up across the street.

At the bus stop, sat a girl wearing a bright yellow tube top dress. The girl's long chestnut hair was covered by a white sun hat. Her delicate face was full of harmlessness and purity, and her lovely almond eyes were shining bright stars.

The first time he saw her, he was fascinated.

The girl was holding a pot of pure white potted lilies in her arms. The lilies were already in bloom, very beautiful.The girl is like that pot of lilies, quiet and elegant, pure and lovely.The girl seemed to be aware of Cheng Rongen's gaze, she aimed her gaze at Cheng Rongen, and slowly raised her lips into a smile.

She smiled at him, and Cheng Rongen's whole world lit up.

The bus came and the girl got up.The bus leaves, the platform is empty.Cheng Rongen shook his head, glanced at the villa hall covered in blood, sighed softly, and walked out of the villa with a little regret.


Ye Junran stood under the scorching sun, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.Manager Du Chen offered him ice water, wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead with a wet tissue, and said with a smile, "That's right, the first three scenes didn't stop. It seems that the filming of this movie will go smoothly."

Ye Junran took a sip of water and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's five o'clock."

Ye Junran nodded, looked at the setting sun, and said, "She should get off the plane."

Du Chen put away the smile on his face and stopped talking.

July 7th is the opening day of Flying Eagle Television Art Festival.

The art festival will be held at the International Grand Theater in City A. The opening ceremony gala will be very grand. The head of the television bureau will personally attend the gala and give a speech.

Ji Ruo came to City A one day in advance. At the party, she wore a golden dress with Prada straps. At the party, the stars were shining brightly, all of them dressed exquisitely and noblely, like a concentration camp pretending to be.

On the evening of July 7th, it was the TV show awards show. Ji Ruo was invited by the crew of "Ode to a Beauty" to attend the awards show as a supporting actress.On the way to the scene, Ji Ruo's heart was pounding. She had a premonition that tonight she would win the first trophy in her life.

Luo Tong seemed more nervous than she was. Sitting in the carriage, Luo Tong's fingers were intertwined, betraying her inner anxiety. "Sister Tong, don't be nervous." Ji Ruo held Luo Tong's cold fingertips with both hands, her voice trembling a little.

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

"Come on, this is promising! Isn't it just a TV awards show, and there will be more grand occasions after that, and now I'm starting to have stage fright, so it's okay?" Luo Tong comforted himself, and his heart was not so empty.

"It's right to think so!"

Ji Ruo patted Luo Tong on the shoulder, and the car stopped at the entrance of the Grand Theater.Taking a deep breath, Ji Ruo got out of the car.

The moment she got out of the car, all the flashing lights and cameras were aimed at her. Badgley—Mischka advanced custom white dress, the skirt length reaches the ground, and the tight design outlines Ji Ruo's slender waist, making her more sexy. Under the wide open deep V neckline, the charm of snow-white skin is irresistible.The diamond-encrusted cape covers her bare shoulders and butterfly bones, the only dress in the world.

Ji Ruo has light makeup today, and she doesn't wear exaggerated and luxurious jewelry. She wears a silver chain around her neck that reaches to her chest. The pendant on the chain is covered by the dress, so no one can peep.

Ji Ruo stepped onto the red carpet, making the camera reluctant to move away.

In a small villa in city A, Gu Nuoxian stared deeply at the glamorous girl in the live video, he frowned, got up suddenly, took out the car keys, and drove towards the grand theater.

(End of this chapter)

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