S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 290 Congratulations, My Girl

Chapter 290 Congratulations, My Girl (1)
Stepping on the 140 red steps, Ji Ruo swayed to the high platform.I wrote down my name on the signature wall, and took some elegant poses at the request of the photographer before stepping into the theater and finding my own seat to sit down.

Luo Tong was sitting in the last few rows, Ji Ruo turned to look at her, both of them were excited.

At 08:30, the awards ceremony officially began.

Ji Ruo was sitting in the same row as the Ode to a Beautiful Lady crew, and director Wang Sen was sitting in the second seat on her left, but Wu Yue, who was supposed to be sitting with her, was absent. "Director Wang, why didn't Angkor come?" Ji Ruo glanced at the empty seat on the left, feeling a little depressed.It stands to reason that Wu Yue would not be absent from such a big occasion.

"I'm not too sure. He suddenly called me last night and told me he was not feeling well and would not come." Wang Sen valued tonight's awards show very much. For this reason, he even cut off his greasy long hair. Tonight, he was wearing a black suit and red tie, and he looked a bit artistic.

It was the first time in history that Ji Ruo saw Wang Sen so clean, and he was very happy.

"The program group submitted you the nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Whether you can win or not depends on the selection of the judges of the program group." When Wang Sen said this, Ji Ruo was overwhelmed with surprise.

"I'm the third female lead, shouldn't Ling Fei be the supporting actress?" After Ji Ruo asked, she suddenly understood the reason.Because of the previous incident, Ling Fei had already started to fade out of the entertainment industry, and the program team was unwilling to waste the awards, so the nomination for Best Supporting Actress was naturally given to her.

"We have done everything that can be done. We don't ask for results, just be normal!" The host stepped onto the stage at this time, and Wang Sen touched his tie, sitting upright and silent.


Ji Ruo lowered her eyes, feeling a little excited in her heart. She thought she would be satisfied with winning the Best Newcomer Award, but now that she also has a slight chance to win the Best Supporting Actress Award, her heart slid one after another.

"Announcement below, the most popular actor award."

Li Jiaying, who has short and refreshing hair, exudes a capable and refreshed body.Tonight, she was wearing a long yellow dress, and her beautiful figure was standing beside the 1.8-meter-three Jiang Shaoyu.

Jiang Shaoyu gave the camera a perfect smile, and then he said: "The winner of the last Most Favorite Actor Award, Mr. Liu Leyu, came to the stage to announce the award."

The applause sounded sparsely, and the camera was aimed at the back of the award ceremony stage. Liu Leyu, dressed up, wore a white silk shirt on his upper body, black trousers on his lower body, and a red LV scarf around his neck. Under his long maroon hair, he wore a pair of The black and white peach blossom eyes are particularly charming.

Accompanied by the prelude of pure music "Santorini", Liu Leyu put on the most decent and charming smile, and while waving to the artists and media in the audience, he walked gracefully to the rocker microphone in the center of the stage.

Liu Leyu paused, his peach blossom eyes twinkling with stars. "Wow, this time the audience's favorite actor nominees are all very strong." He deliberately made a riddle to whet the appetite of the audience.Wang Sen is obviously not interested in these awards, showing a lack of interest.

The camera may sweep over everyone at any time, and Ji Ruo always maintains an elegant smile throughout the whole process, just to show the most perfect state for the few seconds that occasionally appear on the big screen.

"The No. 60 Fifth Flying Eagle TV Festival's most popular actor finalists are Cheng Dong, Wang Jingyu, Hu Yingtang, Luo Jifeng, and Chen Ziang!" One after another, the names of the most popular male stars are from Liu Leyu He spit it out, and the photos of five people lit up on the big screen behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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