S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 310 He Cried Like a Child

Chapter 310 He Cried Like a Child (1)
When the word "sister" was uttered by Ji Ruo, who was smiling sweetly, An Yiqing's face instantly sank.

An Yiqing has a pair of slender and elegant fashionable eyes, the eyes are full of spring breeze, very beautiful.Generally speaking, this kind of people are gentle and have a very connotative attitude towards others, but An Yi's feelings are different, she is really cool by nature.

Her thin coolness is different from Ji Ruotian's cold temper. The coldness in her body emanates from the blood and bone marrow.This kind of person is like a snake, beautiful and charming, and extremely aggressive.

"Then you should be clear, I like him." An Yi raised her eyes when she was in love, with a haughty and disdainful look.

Ji Ruo was a little surprised, this young girl was really frank, she just said that she liked her husband in such a frank manner in front of the real one.Ji Ruo choked for a moment, but still maintained a graceful smile on his face.

"I've heard something." When dealing with smart people, it's useless to pretend to be stupid.

Surprise flashed in her eyes, this woman is quite open!An Yiqing asked lazily: "What do you think about this?" She stared coldly at Ji Ruo with her long and narrow eyes, as if An Yiqing wanted to see through her disguise.

However, she failed.

Ji Ruo shrugged, and asked something wrong: "Ms. An must be very fond of yellow roses, right?"

Melancholy flashed in Anyi's eyes.

yellow roses...

She thought of the bouquet of yellow roses she had thrown into the trash last year.

"I heard from Nuonuo that he specially sent Song Yu to give you a bunch of yellow roses before. If you still like it, I will go back and talk to Nuonuo and ask him to send a bunch of yellow roses to your house every day. Our community There is a new flower shop at the door, and the flowers are very fresh, and when they arrive in the morning, there are still dewdrops on them!"

Ji Ruo's smile was brighter than the sun's, and when she said the sarcasm in a calm tone, An Yiqing couldn't refute it for a while.

Her face darkened slightly, and An Yiqing frowned, as if she had seen this woman's powerful lip service.

Sending yellow roses every day, does it mean that she will be humiliated once a day?

The first battle between the rivals in love ended with a real victory!
When Ye Junran arrived, he saw such a scene.

Ji Ruo leaned on the recliner and asked the makeup artist to apply makeup to her, while An Yiqing was making love on the iron railing in the booth, looking at her with a complicated face.He raised his eyebrows, looking at An Yiqing's gloomy appearance, he was obviously devastated.

This is rather novel.

"You came so early, Brother Nuonuo sent you here?" Ye Junran glanced at the room, and walked straight to Ji Ruo.He sat down on the recliner next to Ji Ruo and started talking with Ji Ruo.

The make-up artist was putting on her eye makeup, so Ji Ruo closed her eyes and hummed in reply.

"I saw yesterday's interview, it's good to make it public."

"Tell me the secret in my heart, and I feel better." Ji Ruo frowned, and asked him in a low voice: "Why did the reporter just take a picture of me and him appearing in the playground? Tell me, isn't it a coincidence?" I'm curious, who is behind this scene?" Ji Ruo's tone seemed puzzled, but Ye Junran heard a deeper meaning from her words.

Ye Junran squinted his eyes, and his gaze stayed on An Yiqing's face for two seconds before he sighed.

"The person who has liked for many years suddenly gets married, and she has to hide it. Naturally, she is arguing for Brother Nuonuo. I was angry and did impulsive things. I hope you don't blame her too much. She is actually very young, and she has not yet At twenty, she is a wayward child."

"The matter between you and Brother Nuonuo is a foregone conclusion. Even if she is unwilling, she will not really do anything to you. The girl I like is a frank girl who can afford to let go. She came today On the set, I guess they just want to stimulate you and make you realize that Brother Nuo Nuo is a good man."

(End of this chapter)

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