S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 311 He Cried Like a Child

Chapter 311 He Cried Like a Child (2)
Ye Junran turned to look at Ji Ruo after finishing his speech with earnestness and earnestness.

Ji Ruo closed her eyes and sighed in her heart. "I don't blame her. I was quite grateful to her for yesterday's incident. If she hadn't revealed our matter to the media, I really don't know how to introduce Gu Nuoxian's identity to everyone. Hiding the news of my marriage is a shame. Fans are unfair, even more unfair to Gu Nuoxian, I should have told everyone frankly from the beginning."

Hearing what Ji Ruo said, Ye Junran also heaved a sigh of relief. "Just don't blame her." Ye Junran's eyes drifted to the girl sitting on the railing on the second floor again, her shadow was all in her indifferent eyes.Ji Ruo slightly opened the slits of her eyes, seeing this scene, felt a little bitter in her heart.

No one's relationship will be smooth sailing.An Yiqing glanced coldly at Ye Junran, who was chatting and laughing with Ji Ruoyou, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. In the past, wherever she was, Ye Junran was always the first to walk towards her, never looking at others .

This time, he turned a blind eye to her!
Curling her lips, An Yiqing suppressed the strange and unclear feeling in her heart, and stopped looking at Ye Junran.


The makeup artist put on Ji Ruo's makeup, said it was ok, and then left with the box.Ji Ruo opened her eyes to look at An Yiqing, and suddenly said, "Actually, I don't think she likes Gu Nuoxian."

Ye Junran was taken aback, "Why? Since the day I met her, her eyes have been on Brother Nuo Nuo." To her, his existence is probably dispensable.Ji Ruo evoked a faint smile and asked, "When did you return to China to develop?"

"five years ago."

"Five years ago, you probably were. At that time, Yiqing was only about 15 years old. Gu Nuoxian was already 22 years old. As far as I know, he was already the leader of DS and the president of G&X at that time. She would like it Gu Nuoxian is very normal, after all, at the age of first love, meeting a big brother who is excellent in all aspects, everyone will be moved."

"It can be seen that Yiqing is a proud person. Those who can be seen by her must be strong. Do you know where you lost?" Xian has been entangled for nearly a year, and in terms of emotional experience, he has more experience than Ye Junran.

Ye Junran pricked up his ears, but did not speak.

"You lose in terms of timing. If you had appeared a few years earlier, maybe her eyes would have been full of you." Seeing An Yiqing's cold gaze looking towards her, Ji Ruo used the rest of her time to look at her. Guang glanced at Ye Junran, and sure enough, Ye Junran lowered his head and pretended to turn a blind eye.

It's really not Ye Junran's style to cower in love.

"I'm late, should I accept my fate?" Sensing An Yiqing's eyes on him, Ye Junran didn't dare to meet her eyes.

"Accept fate?" Ji Ruo's tone was raised, with thorns. "Show off your spirit of chasing people, Brother Nuonuo, if you like her, just be the only strong person in her eyes! Don't forget, you have the greatest advantage."

Ye Junran turned his head to look at her, "Advantage? What is it?" What advantage can he have?
"Gu Nuoxian doesn't like her, this is an advantage!"

Ye Junran remained silent, feeling bitter in his heart.This turned out to be an advantage.

"Junran, secret love is blind. Maybe Yiqing herself can't figure out whether her feelings for Gu Nuoxian are love or worship. Didn't you say that you will never let go of Yiqing when she comes back this time?" open her?"

"If you don't hold her hand tightly, how can you keep her people?"

After speaking objectively about his opinion, Ji Ruo got up and clapped his hands, and said, "I'll hang Wia in the next scene, so I'll go to the rehearsal first." On Wia, holding a bayonet in her hand, she strictly followed the moves taught by her martial arts instructor, and carefully rehearsed with her opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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