S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 352 This Wine Has the Smell of Your Voice

Chapter 352 This Wine Has the Smell of Your Voice (1)
The helicopter drove to Bin County and started heading towards Qing Town.Going up along the lower reaches of the Lutan River, in the darkness, Song Yu's stern face was full of sternness.He had cut Liu Yuebo into pieces countless times in his heart.

It's not good where to propose, run to this small valley!

Clean up some moths!
The helicopter sounded suddenly, and Liu Yuebo squinted his eyes, secretly thinking that the rescue sent by Mr. Gu had arrived.He quickly turned on the luminous aircraft, and Song Yu saw a pair of green wings glowing down the river, and the word Marry—me could still be vaguely seen.The already cold face became even colder at that moment.

Damn it, to propose marriage in such a way that harms others and does not benefit oneself. If the aircraft malfunctions, the two of them will not propose marriage, but die for love.


The pilot nodded and began to circle and land.

Seeing the helicopter coming, the drowsy Luo Tong suddenly woke up.The two stood up from the rock and waved towards the helicopter vigorously. "Here!" Liu Yuebo roared, and Song Yu gave him a blank stare.


The plane stopped about ten meters above their heads. Song Yu opened the cabin door and threw out a rope ladder.

Liu Yuebo caught the rope ladder and handed it to Luo Tong, "Go up first." Luo Tong was not pretentious, took off his high heels and climbed up the helicopter along the rope ladder. The rope climbs up.

The two got into the helicopter, and the helicopter began its return journey.

"I said Assistant Song, tonight I've got a beauty back, so don't put on a straight face. Your expression is already scary, and with a cold face, no one dares to get close to you." Liu Yuebo sat In the back row, hugging Luo Tong, he swayed towards Song Yu non-stop.

Song Yu turned his head abruptly and raised his right hand. "Noisy!"

Pointing the pistol at Liu Yuebo's eyebrows, Liu Yuebo and Luo Tong were startled at the same time, and the noisy man immediately shut up. "Okay, I won't talk anymore, you keep taking this thing back, I don't need to be scared." Liu Yuebo is not worried that Song Yu will really shoot him, but people are naturally in awe of cold weapons such as firearms , whoever is pointed a gun at will feel uncomfortable.

Song Yu glared at him twice, then withdrew his gun.

Seeing Song Yu retracting his gun, Luo Tong and Liu Yuebo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They looked at each other, and they both felt that it was better not to provoke Song Yu tonight, and they didn't know what kind of explosives he had eaten.


The helicopter drove to Gu's private airport in C city, Liu Yuebo and Luo Tong got off the plane together, Song Yu called and reported to Gu Nuoxian, and then drove home.

In the car, his cell phone rang again.Song Yu didn't intend to answer it at first, but the phone kept ringing, as if urging his life, so he had no choice but to pick it up.

"It's me." He said two words, as if he had eaten a firecracker, the smell of fire was strong.

Xu Mo'an's low laughter came from the other end. He laughed for a long time before saying to Song Yu: "I'm sorry Xiaoyu, I promise I will never expose your material in the group again." Tonight in front of the group In front of everyone, Xu Mo'an said that there was a light brown birthmark on Song Yu's thigh, which made everyone in the group think that they had sex.

Song Yu was naturally angry. The reason why Xu Mo'an knew about the birthmark on his thigh was because he was shot in the thigh when he was a teenager, and it happened that Xu Mo'an bandaged him and discovered it by accident.

Time rewinds to two hours ago.

'Bad Guy Concentration Camp' group.

Boss Xu: There is a light brown birthmark on Xiaoyu's thigh, which looks a bit like a rabbit.

Pei Fox: Then do you like it?
Lao Tzu is the most handsome man in the world: I think he likes it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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