S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 353 This Wine Has the Smell of Your Voice

Chapter 353 This Wine Has the Smell of Your Voice (2)
Boss Xu: It’s pretty cute, and I like it quite a bit.

Angel G: Come on, Mo'an, throw Xiaoyu down as soon as possible, and lick enough!
Eric: Bless you, come on!
Pei Fox: Get down as soon as possible!
Lao Tzu is the most handsome man in the world: I wish you a long life together and a happy union for a hundred years!

When Song Yu came out of the shower, they were still laughing and teasing him and Xu Mo'an.Seeing that Xu Mo'an didn't refute, Song Yu felt awkward. He and his elder brother are both men. What kind of muscles are wrong with these people, so he insisted on pulling them together...

G Angel: Little Yu?Why didn't I see him.

Boss Xu: He should still be taking a bath.

I'm the most handsome man in the world: How long does it take to take a bath?

Pei Fox: Probably watching the screen.

Eric: Song Yu, come out and squeak.

Song Yu snorted coldly, typed two words on the phone, and clicked send.

Xiaoyu: ...hehe...

Everyone: "…"

Song Yu said hehe, that meant he was angry.Xu Mo'an hurriedly left the group chat, and sent a series of private messages to Song Yu, don't be angry, everyone is just joking.He also said that he didn't say anything else, they are all brothers and sisters, and it's normal to fight and fight.

Looking at the words sent by Xu Mo'an, Song Yu felt even more weird in his heart.He sat by the bed in silence for a long time, and replied: It's getting late, I'm going to sleep.After sending it, he really fell asleep.

Fuck his bunny birthmark!
In country M, Xu Mo'an, who was performing a task in a casino, was stunned. He calculated the time. It should be only eight o'clock in country C. When did Song Yu have such a good work and rest time?He frowned, thinking it was a fit of temper.

When he finished his mission and returned home, he hurriedly called Song Yu, and after four or five calls, he slowly picked up the other end.

Listening to Xu Mo'an's apology on the phone, Song Yu frowned, the car turned a corner and was almost home.Song Yu held the phone with one hand and asked, "Boss, why didn't you refute what they said?"

"What words?" Xu Mo'an's voice sounded a little lazy, which was different from his usual elegance.

The car drove into the community and into the underground garage. "As long as they say it, it's a good relationship for a hundred years..." Song Yu was very surprised, the boss has never been a person who likes to joke, and today those few people said so, not only did he not refute, but he even booed.

Xu Mo was quiet for a few seconds before replying in a deep voice, "Why should I refute?"

Why not refute?

"We're both men. If they say that, you don't feel..." Song Yu opened the car door and walked to the elevator, not sure what words to use to describe that feeling. "You feel sick?" Xu Mo'an's voice turned cold almost instantly.

Song Yu was obviously taken aback, he pressed the elevator door close button, and then explained: "It's not that I feel disgusted, but that it's weird." He looked at himself in the mirror, but he was thinking in his heart, why did the boss suddenly get angry?
Hearing this, the cold light on Xu Mo'an's face gradually dissipated.He lay down on his own bed, looked at the scorching sun outside the window, and finally said only one sentence, "Xiao Yu, your head must be made of elm wood."

Song Yu: "..." Are you belittling him or praising him? "Why am I out of my mind?"

Xu Mo'an let out a long sigh, feeling tired for no reason.this idiot...

"Xiaoyu, you won't understand. It's getting late, you go to bed, I still have things to deal with, good night."

"...Oh." Song Yu walked out of the elevator and whispered back: "Good night."

Xu Mo'an stared at the phone for a long time before opening the photo album of the phone, and found a photo of Song Yu from it.It was Song Yu's first photoshoot when he returned from a successful mission when he was 13 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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