S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 371 Tong'er, Do You Believe Me Or Not?

Chapter 371 Tong Er, Do You Believe Me or Not (3)
The dart was firmly inserted into the wooden board next to his ear, and Du Ziming saw the dart shaking from the corner of his eye.Xiao Yunchen squinted his eyes, and there was a little displeasure in his eyes. "Missed again..." He murmured, full of displeasure.

Du Ziming's muscles were tense to the extreme, he was threatened twice in a row, his whole body was covered with beads of sweat.It is no exaggeration to say that his clothes were soaked in cold sweat. "Playing with me... Interested?" Du Ziming asked weakly, his tone was annoyed and angry.

Xiao Yunchen seemed to have heard something funny, he laughed out loud, and replied: "It's not fun to play with you, it's interesting to play with you dead." After he finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand.The old butler handed him a red dart.

Xiao Yunchen twirled the red dart twice in his hand, but his eyes were on Du Ziming.

Du Ziming narrowly missed stabbing Du Ziming twice in a row. Du Ziming made up his mind that this man was playing with him, so he didn't feel so scared in his heart.He thought that as long as he remained calm and did not move, nothing would happen.

Seeing the slack in Du Ziming's eyes, the corners of Xiao Yunchen's mouth curled up strangely.

The red dart that he was playing with in the palm of his hand suddenly launched at this moment. When Du Ziming saw the dart, his eyes were no longer timid.He thought to himself, this time he will definitely not be shot.Just thinking about this, suddenly there was a sharp pain in his ears, Du Ziming's expression froze, and two seconds later, a cry of killing a pig pierced the roof of Xiao's house.


One ear rolled to the floor.

The splashed blood stained the turntable red, some sprayed onto the ground, and some fell onto Du Ziming's shoulders and skirts.The red dart was firmly inserted next to Du Ziming's left head. Du Ziming's left ear was cut off, and now there was only a red ear hole.

At first glance, it was quite terrifying.

"Ah... ah!" The howling sound was overwhelming, and the handcuffs and fetters slammed together. Du Ziming struggled in pain, his face contorted.

The bodyguards clapped their hands together, looked at Xiao Yunchen, and said respectfully: "Sir, you are skilled."

Xiao Yunchen accepted their praise with a smile. He walked to the turntable, looked at Du Ziming, and said, "Look, the game is getting more and more interesting." Du Ziming's eyes full of pain just stared at him. I couldn't speak, and even the howling was a little weaker.

"Jiaojiao." At Xiao Yunchen's call, the girl in maid outfit came to the living room again with a tray.This time, there was a bottle of iodine on the tray, a towel, a pair of gloves, and a dagger.

"Sir." The tray was lifted above her head by Jiaojiao, and she knelt on the ground. Seeing this bloody scene, Jiaojiao's pretty face was very flat.

Xiao Yunchen put on gloves, opened the cap of the iodine wine bottle, and approached Du Ziming with the bottle of iodine wine. "Hold on, I'll disinfect you." Du Ziming's face became even more distorted.He opened his eyes angrily, watching the transparent wine drop into his ears from the corner of his eyes.


The more exaggerated howl than before almost burst the eardrums of the people in the room.

The iodine dripped on the blood, and a chemical reaction occurred instantly.A little bit of foam appeared in the blood, and the foam rolled, matched with Du Ziming's shout, which made Xiao Yunchen feel extremely comfortable.He picked up the towel, stuffed it into Du Ziming's mouth, and then smiled with satisfaction.

"Yes, not fainted yet. Looks like we have to go on."

Hearing this, Du Ziming really wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.But with a towel stuffed into his mouth, he couldn't even realize his last wish.

Xiao Yunchen took off his gloves, glanced at Jiaojiao who was kneeling on the floor, and asked softly: "Jiaojiao, tell me, where should we cut the knife?" Jiaojiao raised her head in response, and she glanced carefully. Du Ziming said with a coquettish smile, "His eyes are very uncomfortable for me to look at."

(End of this chapter)

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