S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 372 Tong'er, Do You Believe Me Or Not?

Chapter 372 Tong Er, Do You Believe Me or Not (6)
Luo Tong narrowed his eyes, his eyes were complicated.

"Liu Yuebo, look carefully, who is sleeping next to you." Luo Tong's voice was choked up.Hearing this, Liu Yuebo froze for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look at the other side of the bed.When he saw Dou Ai who was still sleeping soundly, he was in a daze.

"What the hell is going on?"

He jumped off the bed suddenly, his face full of shock.At this time, he realized that he was not wearing any clothes, and lifted up the quilt with a huge movement, only to find that Dou Ai on the bed was also naked.Luo Tong was quite calm, she even pulled up the quilt herself, covered Dou Ai up, and then got up and walked in front of Liu Yuebo.

She looked at him quietly, disappointed.

Seeing her like this, Liu Yuebo's heart is going to die. "Tong'er..." He called her urgently, full of anxiety and panic in his tone. "Tong'er, it's not what you think! Really! I... don't even know what the hell is going on!" Liu Yuebo scratched his head, wanting to die.

Luo Tong didn't speak, she bent down, picked up the scattered clothes on the ground, and threw them to Liu Yuebo. "Put it on, there are some marks on your body, I'm disgusted to see it." Luo Tong knew that he might have been wronged, but Luo Tong still felt heartbroken.

Thinking that they might have had a relationship last night, she screamed with heartache.Liu Yuebo pinched his clothes in a daze, looked at Luo Tong with a cold and mocking expression, opened his mouth in panic, but couldn't speak.

"Put on your clothes and come out with me. I can't breathe if I stay in this room." Luo Tong didn't look at him, she was afraid that she couldn't help but raise her hand and hit him.She passed him and was about to leave, Liu Yuebo finally came to his senses, he hastily stretched out his hand to grab Luo Tong's hand.

Luo Tong lowered his head and didn't turn around.

"Tong'er, trust me."

Luo Tong looked down at the hands that were held together by the two, his eyes were full of pain. "Liu Yuebo, you bear traces of other women on your body, how can you tell me to believe you?" She snorted coldly, raised her hand, and brushed Liu Yuebo's hand away.

Liu Yuebo grabbed her tightly and beat her to death.

"Promise me, Tong'er, you must believe me. I will not do anything to betray you!" He was anxious, turned around and buried Luo Tong tightly in his arms. "Tong'er, do you believe me or not?"

The man in his arms didn't speak.

But there was a drop of tears falling, dripping on the big hands at the waist.

Liu Yuebo was stunned for a moment, his heart was burned by tears.

"Tong'er..." Confused, Liu Yuebo couldn't say anything other than calling her name and trying to comfort her.He didn't know what happened last night, he didn't even know if he had a relationship with Dou Ai.

The only thing he can be sure of is his heart for Luo Tong.

"Don't cry, don't cry. I will find out at this time, and I will definitely give you an explanation. Believe me, I will not betray you. Tong'er..." Liu Yuebo tightened his arms, but more tears came Wet the back of his hand.

Luo Tong took a deep breath, trying to calm down the pain in his heart, and then said in a fairly calm voice: "Put on your clothes, I'll wait for you outside."

Little by little, he opened Liu Yuebo's hand with five fingers. Luo Tong glanced at Dou Ai who hadn't woken up on the bed. A second-hand house with a human life is not worth considering. Liu Yuebo, Dou Ai is a new house with a clearly marked price, but I am a second-hand house with a life on my back. If you regret it, I will give you a chance to leave."

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Liu Yuebo, her eyes were a little red, but no more tears fell.

"Liu Yuebo, she is very young, it's good that you two are together."

He obviously trusted him in his heart, but his mouth always didn't listen to his consciousness.What he said would hurt Liu Yuebo so much that he could die.When Liu Yuebo heard the words of a second-hand house carrying a person's life, his heart twisted with pain.

His Tong'er was so optimistic and strong, she would say such hurtful words.

Luo Tong's tears were about to burst again, she didn't want Liu Yuebo to see her distressed appearance, so she stumbled out of the room in a panic.The loud closing sound made Liu Yuebo's cochlea ache.

(End of this chapter)

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