S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 400 You are not even qualified to lift shoes 2

Chapter 400 You are not even qualified to lift shoes (1)
Everyone escorted Liu Yuebo to the intensive care unit. At this moment, a dark figure stepped out from the shadow at the other end of the hospital corridor.Xiao Yunchen stared at the direction in which everyone disappeared, and the hands hanging on both sides gradually stopped trembling.

God knows how panicked he was when he learned that Luo Tong was almost stabbed by Ying Mei.

He put down all the affairs at hand and rushed to the theater, only to realize that Luo Tong had come to the hospital first, and he rushed to the hospital without stopping, hiding in the dark and watching Luo Tong's every word and deed.

Just seeing Liu Yuebo's distressed appearance when he was pushed out of the emergency room, Xiao Yunchen only felt a bitter taste in his mouth.He thought he was Ai Luotong, but when he saw Liu Yuebo's appearance of neither human nor ghost, he realized that the love he kept talking about was just a stubborn attachment.

If you really love someone, how can you act like this and put your loved one in danger.Compared with that man named Liu Yuebo, his love for Luo Tong is too stingy and insignificant.

Turning around, Xiao Yunchen walked into the elevator and went downstairs with a whole body of annoyance.

After driving home, Xiao Yunchen clearly sensed that the atmosphere at home was not right.The old housekeeper who greeted him early in the past was gone, and the bodyguards were also gone. The lights in the huge house seemed particularly empty and lonely.

Hearing his footsteps, the man sitting on the sofa coldly frowned.

"Mr. Xiao, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xiao Yunchen raised his head abruptly, and saw an uninvited man in a black police uniform sitting on his sofa.Shrinking his eyes, Xiao Yunchen sneered in his heart, but his face was gentle. "Deputy Director Kou, it's so late, I'm really flattered that you came to the humble house in person. I just don't know, Deputy Director Kou, why did you come here? Is it because I miss my coffee?"

Kou Dong stood up, and took out his hands behind his back, a silver light lit up, and the man lifted the handcuffs above his head. "Mr. Xiao, you can drink the coffee another day. I'm here to investigate the relevant case. As for Ms. Yingmei's death from jumping off the building, we found that Mr. Xiao has something to do with it. For this reason, I have to come here in person." Please, come and sit in our bureau."

Kou Dong looked at Xiao Yunchen calmly, not at all afraid of the majesty of the emperor of the dark world.

The look from the brown eyes began to become unpredictable, Xiao Yunchen gradually restrained his smile, and finally his eyes became gloomy, "Deputy Director Kou, are you joking?" Xiao Yunchen walked to the sofa with big strides, and talked to Kou East facing each other.

Staring at Kou Dong's masculine and righteous cheek, he smiled evilly and asked, "Have you fed all the benefits I have given you to the dogs?" Xiao Yunchen had learned to follow him five years ago after he fell into somersaults. Those in high positions build good relationships in order to prevent such a situation from happening one day.

He has done a lot of favors to Kou Dong these years, but he didn't expect Ying Mei to come to her soon after her death.

Meat buns beat dogs, there is really no return!

Hearing this, Kou Dong's expression didn't change.

"It's useless for you to threaten me, and I can't do anything about it. This incident has too much impact, and the whole world is paying attention to it. The superiors set up a special task force. Tonight, the boss of Oulong Entertainment and Zhang Gan from the radio drama are all invited. After entering the police station, Yingmei’s video specifically mentioned your name, and you became the primary suspect.”

"Many people are speculating that the reason why Yingmei jumped off the building was because you forced her to do nothing. According to the investigation, her lover, Mr. Du Ziming, has died and his body cannot be found. Moreover, you were suspected of attempted rape eight years ago, etc. Put them together, you can't wash them off even if you want to!"

(End of this chapter)

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