S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 401 You are not even qualified to lift shoes 2

Chapter 401 You are not even qualified to lift shoes (2)
Kou Dong let out a long sigh, and said, "I'm offended! Even if I was reported this time, I'll admit it!" The superiors paid too much attention to this matter, and people's hearts were extremely fluctuating. The government began to pay attention to it.

Xiao Yunchen squinted his eyes, and under Kou Dong's pleading gaze, stretched out his hands lazily. "Deputy Director Kou, I hope you don't regret it!" Kou Dong bravely handcuffed Xiao Yunchen's hands, and escorted him to the police station.

After Kou Dong left, the old housekeeper came downstairs. He sighed worriedly, then picked up the phone and called Miss An, their former Mrs. Xiao.

Luo Tong stayed by Liu Yuebo's bed and never left.

The outside world has turned upside down because of the Yingmei incident, Oulong Entertainment was reported, and its artists have terminated their contracts and quit.Among them, several popular kings and queens joined Yanuo Entertainment one after another.

Luo Tong was all about Liu Yuebo, so naturally he didn't care about these things.If Ji Ruo didn't come to visit in the afternoon, she really wouldn't know that so many things happened.

"This is a video that Yingmei recorded before she was alive, please take a look." Ji Ruo handed the phone to Luo Tong before taking out the food from the insulated lunch box. "I made some meals myself, Sister Tong, you can eat some. Today, many seniors came to the company, and director Liu was unconscious. Gu Nuoxian is probably busy enough. I'm afraid he won't have time to eat, so I have to go see him .”

As Ji Ruo said, she handed a pair of chopsticks to Luo Tong.

Luo Tong put down the phone and took the chopsticks with a complicated expression on his face. "That woman is very pitiful." Luo Tong pulled out the food and said this.

Ji Ruo took back the phone and twirled it twice in the palm of her hand before saying: "Although she is pitiful, she is not worthy of sympathy. She and Du Ziming have hurt you, this is an indelible fact. No one's past is smooth sailing, but there are How many people have done their immoral things. In this person's bones, five parts of blood are good, and five parts of blood are evil. It just so happens that in their blood, evil has the upper hand."

"If you die, you die, and death is also a kind of relief for her." Ji Ruo said casually, Luo Tong frowned and glanced at her, and suddenly said: "Ah Ruo, when did you become so decisive?" gone?"

Ji Ruo was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and smiled without speaking.

She has always been like this, and if she is convinced in her heart, she will not change.No matter for people or things.

"I say Yingmei, don't you like to hear it?" Ji Ruo looked at Luo Tong with a cautious gaze.This person is her only friend, and she really doesn't want this only friend to question her.

Luo Tong took a small sip of food, shook his head and said, "No, it's very good of you, what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong, it's good to have a clear distinction between likes and hates." Seeing that she didn't mind what he said just now, Ji Ruo Only then did I feel relieved. "Director Liu's complexion has improved a lot."

Luo Tong raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Yuebo, before sighing softly, "He had a slight fever in the morning, and it went away at noon, and he looks much better now, he should be able to wake up at night." She picked up a piece of braised pork, Only then did she feel hungry. Thinking about it carefully, she hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon.

"Ah Ruo, thank you." Looking down at the food in the bowl, Luo Tong suddenly thanked Ji Ruo solemnly.Ji Ruo glanced at her, and rarely said anything, "Take care of yourself and Director Liu, that's the best thank you to me. You don't have to worry about me, I still have Zhu Tong, you stay here with him, I will first gone."

"I'll see you off!" Luo Tong made a gesture to get up.

"No, I came here by car, you should stay with him. I'll come and see you tomorrow." Ji Ruo hurriedly came and went with her bag.

Luo Tong looked at the food and didn't feel hungry.But thinking that Ji Ruo took time out of her busy schedule to do it, and that she really couldn't drag her body down, she picked up the bowl and chopsticks again and ate an extra bowl mechanically.

(End of this chapter)

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