S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 423 If You Love Her, Kill Her Chicken Soup

Chapter 423 If You Love Her, Kill Her Chicken Soup (2)
"Ahem!" Gu Nuoxian covered his mouth and coughed softly, "I'll see if the water temperature is right." He walked under the shower, touched the water with his fingers, and frowned slightly. "The water temperature is too low." The water temperature is estimated to be only about 37 degrees.He adjusted the water temperature to [-] degrees, and then pushed Ji Ruo, who was rarely shy with his head down, under the shower.

"You wash it, that..." Gu Nuoxian looked a little uncomfortable, and Ji Ruo looked at him, also embarrassed. "I'm right outside, call me if you need anything." After he finished speaking, his feet felt windy, and he quickly walked out of the bathroom.

Ji Ruo untied the bath towel, stood under the shower, and drenched her whole body with warm water ten degrees higher than before.

The lower abdomen was a little uncomfortable because of the menstruation, and now it was warmed by the warm water.

Gu Nuoxian leaned against the wall, secretly condemning himself for being too careless.When menstruation comes, sexual intercourse is prohibited, and the two of them are so intense in the morning, it's really nonsense.

Seeing that Ji Ruo was fine here, Gu Nuoxian casually put on a set of casual clothes and went downstairs.

The housekeeper and the servants and bodyguards all returned to the house, all of them looked calm, but there was an unconcealable smile in their eyes.The young master and his wife have a good relationship, and they are also happy as servants.When the young master lived here before, he never saw any girl on the phone, nor did he bring anyone back. These people are still sad. Is the young master impotent, or in other words, cold-hearted? The point of no love and no desire.

It wasn't until Madam's arrival that they realized that it was not that the young master had no feelings, but that he hadn't waited for the right person.

But those who have no desires and desires are because they have not waited for the right person to appear.

Seeing Gu Nuoxian coming downstairs with a satisfied face at this moment, there are two or three young girls among the servants, all covering their mouths and suppressing smiles.Just now the bodyguards suddenly ordered them to leave the house. What happened in this villa can be figured out with toes.

"Chen Butler, is there a silkie at home?"

Gu Nuoxian sat down on the sofa, and the servant quickly brought tea.Chen Lin went to the kitchen to have a look, and when he came back, he was full of smiles, "I didn't buy it today, but old Chen's family has a live silky chicken, which they said was sent by an old mother in the country. Young master, if you want it, I'll go buy it."

"Buy it."

"it is good!"

Chen Lin went to the kitchen and told Old Chen about the young master's desire to buy his silky chicken. After hearing this, Old Chen readily agreed.

Although Gu Nuoxian doesn't talk much and looks difficult to get close to, as long as he doesn't make big mistakes in his work, he will generally not make things difficult for others.Working in Gu's family is much better than working in other people's family. Not only is there more money, but the most important thing is that the master is easy to serve.

In the circle of high society, it is very rare to meet a well-educated son like Gu Nuoxian.

Gu Nuoxian had never asked anyone for anything, and it was rare for him to ask for anything today. How could Lao Chen accept money.He hurried home and sent the silky chicken in a cage to Gu's house. The housekeeper asked for money, but he refused to accept it no matter what.

"The young master personally said to buy it, so you have to accept the money." Chen Lin glanced into the cage in his hand. The silky chicken was not too big or too small, with dried mud on its legs. It looked like a domesticated chicken.This kind of chicken is delicious and delicate, which is the best.

"Hey, how could I have the nerve to accept it? Isn't it just a chicken? The young master wants it personally, that's a respect for me. I absolutely can't accept this money." Old Chen Tie was so determined that he refused to accept the money. Chen Lin was in a dilemma when he heard Gu Nuoxian's unhurried footsteps came from behind.

"If that's the case, then I won't give it to you. Old Chen, I'll accept your chicken." Gu Nuoxian spoke in person, and Chen Butler naturally wouldn't say anything more. Old Chen laughed cheerfully and said: " Hehe, it's my old Chen's honor that the young master likes it!"

(End of this chapter)

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