S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 424 If You Love Her, Kill Her Chicken Soup

Chapter 424 If You Love Her, Kill Her Chicken Soup (3)
"Should this chicken be killed now or be raised later?" Old Chen looked at Gu Nuoxian, sharpening his knife and preparing to kill the chicken.Gu Nuoxian looked at the chicken with deep eyes. He was silent for a few seconds before he walked to Lao Chen's side and bent over to take the cage from his hand.

"I'll handle it!"

The housekeeper and Lao Chen were surprised at the same time, "Are you here?"

The two of them looked at Gu Nuoxian and the clucking silkie in his hand, both with surprised expressions. "Master, are you going to kill the chicken yourself?" There was a hint of surprise and... astonishment on the face of Chen Butler's middle-aged uncle.

The elegant and handsome Young Master Gu wants to kill a chicken himself?
Gu Nuoxian sent the two of them a smile with an inexplicable meaning, and then carried the chicken to the backyard of the kitchen.The young master wanted to kill a chicken, so the cook rushed to boil water. When a group of people heard the news, they put down their work and went to the backyard to watch.

They were also afraid of Gu Nuoxian, but they couldn't resist the temptation of this shocking news, so they put aside their restraint and fear, and gathered around the yard as if they were watching a wonder of the world.

Ji Ruo changed into a long beige dress and went downstairs. It was a little strange to see that everyone in the room had disappeared.She listened carefully, only to hear some noise in the backyard of the kitchen.When Ji Ruo heard the sound and went to look for it, he saw all the servants, butlers and cooks in the villa gathered in the backyard, even the bodyguards who were usually invisible.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, Ji Ruuo walked lightly to the back of the onlookers, and glanced at the center.

Seeing this, he was almost not dumbfounded.

That man in a camel casual shirt, squatting in the middle of the garden, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, holding a kitchen knife, who else is it if it's not Gu Nuoxian?At this time, Gu Nuoxian had all his long hair hanging down, his whole demeanor was gentle, and he looked elegant and handsome.

What's funny, he is holding a silky chicken in his left hand.

The chicken was pressed to the ground by him, with its belly and butt on the ground, its head raised high, like a king, not afraid of the knife in the man's right hand at all.

I have seen Gu Nuoxian kill people, but Ji Ruo really has never seen him kill a chicken.Gu Nuoxian is a person with great ability to survive in the wild. It is not surprising that he can kill chickens and rabbits.Ji Ruo once saw Gu Nuoxian slashing down with a knife, and the rabbit's head was cut off by him.

But Zheng'er has killed a chicken, will he?
Gu Nuoxian stared at the chicken in his hand seriously, as if looking at a calligraphy and painting handed down from generation to generation.He squinted his eyes, bent his left leg, and pressed the back of the chicken with his knee.Then Gu Nuoxian pinched the chicken's neck with his left hand.

The head of the silky chicken was lifted up by Gu Nuoxian, and its long neck was exposed in the air.Gu Nuoxian put the kitchen knife in his right hand close to the chicken's neck, and slowly, gracefully, and expressionlessly cut the chicken's neck.

Blood flowed down the chicken's neck like a stream.

People around applauded, and the ladies were all praising Young Master Gu for being amazing.

But the two cooks frowned. They killed the chicken countless times, so it was obvious that the chicken was only injured, not dead.Gu Nuoxian couldn't help but frowned when he saw the silkie that was bleeding out but still struggling to survive.

"Why isn't it dead?" The blood is gone, and this chicken is too capable of tossing.

Seeing Gu Nuoxian frowning, Ji Ruo couldn't help laughing.

Young Master Gu, sure enough, he doesn't know how to kill chickens.

With so many people watching, Eldest Young Master Gu felt a little bit offended.With a ruthless heart, he directly raised the kitchen knife and slaughtered the chicken's neck with one knife, decisively and ruthlessly. "Finally dead..." Gu Nuoxian couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and when he looked up, he saw Ji Ruo in the crowd who couldn't bear to laugh.

Gu Nuoxian was stunned for a moment, and his handsome face suddenly turned suspiciously red.

A servant brought a bucket, a cook picked up the headless silky chicken and threw it into the bucket, and another servant brought boiling water and poured it on the silky chicken.Gu Nuoxian threw away the kitchen knife, walked up to Ji Ruo, and said calmly, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

(End of this chapter)

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