S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 43 Make a Magnolia Flower

Chapter 43 Making a Magnolia Flower (2)
Wang Sen is notoriously picky about his works, and she was worried that if Ji Ruo did not perform well, Wang Sen would scold her.It's okay to scold, but I'm afraid that Ji Ruo will be devastated by scolding.Ji Ruo seemed to see Luo Tong's worry, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

Luo Tong smiled, since he became her manager, he had to choose to believe in her strength.

"Everyone should evacuate, the scene is ready, and the shooting will start immediately." The assistant director shouted, and the staff immediately evacuated.

Ji Ruo walked to the center of the courtyard, waiting to start shooting at any time.

"Number 40, Yingluo died, get ready, 3, 2, 1... start!"

With a sound of drinking, several cameras in the audience were operating at the same time, close-up shooting, panoramic shooting, working in an orderly manner.Wang Sen sat behind the monitor with invisible contempt in his eyes.

The wind blew across the courtyard, the woman's red skirt swayed, and her fluttering hair trembled with the wind, making the woman's slender body more delicate.She was really too thin, so thin that she looked like she was about to die.

At this time, Ji Ruo has become Yingluo, her almond eyes are full of the loneliness of being thrown into the cold palace, and the feelings of unwillingness in the past have long since disappeared in the day-to-day waiting.The sickly white petals opened, and Ji Ruo's unique cool voice sounded:

"This wall is too high... so high that I can't see the scenery outside the wall." The clear and cold voice made people feel colder than the barren courtyard. The backyard of the deep palace was originally a gloomy place.There was a smile on Yingluo's face, but the smile was so bitter and self-deprecating.

"Your Majesty, when you were tired from writing the music and woke up from nightmares at night, did you think of that woman named Yingluo..." Yingluo looked up at the sky, her tone filled with sadness and unwillingness.

After three years of living in the cold palace, she had already lost her former beauty. She looked at the sky blankly, and her eyes suddenly turned red.She lost sleep every night because of that man, and lost herself in embarrassment.

Thinking about it carefully, I am particularly unwilling, it is really stupid.

After the sound came rustling footsteps, Yingluo was a little surprised, no one had visited this yard for three years.Needing to turn around urgently, seeing the person coming, Yingluo's eyes were surprised for a moment, thought for a moment, and... embarrassed for a moment.

An Linguang, played by Wu Yue, looked at her with complicated eyes. With tenderness and longing in that look, he seemed to want to rub her into his belly and never take her out again.After wriggling his mouth for a long time, An Linguang finally only said three words, beating in this deserted courtyard. "I'm coming."

I am coming--

He said it was like going to an appointment.

A few years have passed, the girl has become an unfavored abandoned concubine in the cold palace, and the boy is still a boy, never changed.At that moment, Yingluo suddenly felt sad. She had been confused for so many years, and it turned out that as long as she turned around, he was there all along.

"I'm sorry for you." An Linguang put the food box on the ground, his right hand was trembling, wanting to touch Yingluo's cheek, and there was a trace of insurmountable self-control in his eyes.Yingluo looked at his hand that stopped in mid-air, her heart throbbed with pain, and her eyes were filled with bitterness.

"Your Majesty, the servant is here to bring you food."

The word empress made Yingluo's pupils shrink. At this moment, she tasted the taste of regret.Linguang took out the food. Today's food is very delicate, so delicate that it is an art.Yingluo was sitting on the stone bench, she took the chopsticks from Linguang's palm, picked up a piece of braised pork, her eyes suddenly became gentle.

It turned out that he remembered his favorite.

Linguang looked at Yingluo with a smile on his mouth, and didn't pay any attention, just ate meat with a smile, and looked at her with a smile, his heart ached like a knife piercing out his heart.She must have known the meaning of the meal, but she was just pretending to be confused.

The wind blew again, a magnolia swayed, and Fufeng fell.The action of picking up vegetables paused, Yingluo's eyes softened, she fixedly stared at the orchids on the chopsticks, thinking of something, the corners of her mouth smiled, wanton with the playfulness of her youth, An Linguang stared blankly at the sight.

"The orchid is blooming." She looked up at him, smiling a secret that only two people understand.Linguang nodded, looked at Hua, looked at her, and smiled.

Under the orchid tree, he secretly kissed her on the cheek for the first time, and she smiled and scolded her indecently. From then on, she fell in love with Magnolia.

Yingluo put down her chopsticks, got up, and walked around the magnolia tree twice, she suddenly hugged Linguang, and under Linguang's extremely shocked eyes, kissed his eyes with her not-so-bright lips. "Linguang, I'm leaving." After the last word fell, Linguang clearly felt the empty space in front of him, and the man fell to the ground with a plop.

The effect of the medicine has occurred.

The moment she fell down, An Linguang finally panicked. He dared not disobey the emperor's decree.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Guang saw a woman in a red dress lying on the ground, with blood on the corner of her mouth, but a bright smile on her face.That smile was as clean as seeing him for the first time, and after one glance, he couldn't move it away.

"Yingluo..." Linguang knelt down on both knees, and he hugged her in his arms. This was the first time in four years, a long-lost hug.After being favored for one year and left in the cold palace for three years, his Yingluo was dazzled by wealth and splendor, until she died, she finally woke up.

"An Linguang, in my next life, I don't want to be a dancer, I..." Yingluo smiled so beautifully, but there were tears in her eyes. "I'm going to...make a magnolia flower, a...only...only for you...Magnolia flower..." Tears finally couldn't help falling down, those beautiful eyes looked at An Linguang, and couldn't bear to close them superior.

She was lost for four years, and she couldn't bear to close her eyes. When she closed her eyes, she would never see him again.In the next life, she will never meet that man in the yellow robe again. In the next life, she will turn her back on this red wall and yellow tiles, and never turn around.

Everyone looked at the girl who was reluctant to close her eyes. She was only 20 years old, but she passed away in such a sad way.Wang Sen touched his eyes, not sure if he was wiping his tears or rubbing his eyes.

Hua entered the palace in [-], and passed away in [-] years. This is the ode to a beautiful lady.

A group of women who make people feel sorry and sad.

A story that makes people cry.

This is the life of girl Yingluo.

(End of this chapter)

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