Chapter 44
The first scene that Ji Ruo filmed in the crew was one of the most difficult scenes for Ying Luo to interpret. In addition, there were two more difficult scenes. The scene of entering the cold palace.

After changing the costumes, Ji Ruo's first day of acting is over.

As soon as Ji Ruo walked out of the makeup artist, she saw Wang Sen smiling brightly. Ji Ruo kept silent, thinking that the director was quite interesting.When I am angry, the sky will thunder at any time, and when I laugh, the moonlight is warm.

"Ji Ruo, I take back what I said earlier."

Scratching hair seems to be Wang Sen's little hobby. Now he is standing in front of Ji Ruo, smiling casually.Ji Ruo was calm on the surface, but he was amazed in his heart. He really is a famous director, and this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

She can afford to let go, and can even apologize to a newcomer like her.

Ji Ruo thought, he still has to practice.

With a bright smile on his face, Ji Ruo's supposedly cold cheeks became warmer. "Director Wang, it's time for you to wash your hair." After speaking, Ji Ruo and Luo Tong ran away in despair.

Wang Sen choked, then grinned, stretched out his hand to pull his greasy hair again, and then yelled in the eyes of everyone who couldn't help laughing: "What are you looking at, brother, this is called showing up for art!"

Audience: "..."

This excuse cannot be refuted!


Sitting in the new car provided by the company, Ji Ruo drank pure milk and quietly looked out the window.She likes to drink pure milk, since she was a child.She also loves ice cream, has a sweet tooth, and just about anything fattening, she loves it.

However, what she likes most is her physique that she can eat without getting fat.

Of course, the latter words are quite vague.

Luo Tong was driving, and had to answer the phone from time to time. She was considering whether to apply for a new assistant for Ji Ruo.


Back at the company, everyone looked at Ji Ruo with weird eyes. What she said about vases in the crew earlier had spread to the company, and everyone was curious and admired by Ji Ruo.

It's probably because the newcomer is ignorant and fearless. It's hard to say whether a character like her can make a name for herself in the circle.Many people are skeptical about Ji Ruo's future.Ji Ruo ignored those gazes and went directly into the elevator to go upstairs.As soon as the two arrived at their office building, they saw the entertainment director Liu Yuebo standing in the aisle with an elegant figure.

Glancing at Ji Ruo, Liu Yuebo looked at her secretly. It turned out that she was Ji Ruo, and she looked pretty good, but she looked a little cold, especially in winter.

His eyes finally settled on Luo Tong, and after that, he couldn't move away.

Today Luo Tong wore a camel coat, not inferior to Ji Ruo's height, coupled with a watery face, she was a delicate beauty.Seeing that Luo Tong looked at him with a trace of displeasure in the depths of his eyes, Liu Yuebo quickly retracted his gaze, tsk tsk, isn't it cute for a watery beauty to get angry?
"Hello, Ji Ruo, I'm Liu Yuebo, the entertainment director of our company." Liu Yuebo stretched out his hand, Ji Ruo glanced at him, and shook his hand to save his face.

Liu Yuebo looked at Ji Ruo's hands, and frowned, "These hands are too rough, you need to take care of them, otherwise you will lose points when you take close-up shots." As an entertainment director, Liu Yuebo always looks at people. the most careful.

Ji Ruo withdrew her hand and silently wrote down the words.

"Ji Ruo, shall we talk?"

Liu Yuebo's words sounded like interrogative sentences, but the tone of the words was determined with orders.Ji Ruo glanced at Luo Tong, and followed Liu Yuebo upstairs.Luo Tong stared at the elevator for a while, then walked straight to the office.

(End of this chapter)

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