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Chapter 486 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast 1 More

Chapter 486 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast Second Watch (7)
Gu Nuoxian sat back in the car again and asked him: "The starting point is also the end point, death is also rebirth, the place where happiness begins is sin. What do you mean by this?" Song Yu repeated his words, he was silent for a while, Shake your head.

Gu Nuoxian was a little discouraged when he saw that he couldn't guess.

"You wait, I'll ask them!" Song Yufei quickly took out his mobile phone, entered the concentration camp of villains, entered what Gu Nuoxian said, and asked them what they meant.

Lao Tzu, the most handsome man in the world, was the first to speak. He said: "This is not easy to understand? That is to say, the place where the beginning is also the place where the end is, the place where death can also be the place where rebirth is, and the place where happiness begins is evil. The source of fate. That is to say..."

He said that there were countless ellipses in the back, but in the end he didn't say why.

Angel G: I don't understand.

Boss Xu: Let me tell you my opinion.You said that the family members of the kidnapper were killed by the government, so it is easy to understand.This sentence means that the place that makes the kidnapper feel the happiest is also the place that makes him the saddest. The reason why he feels sad should be that something bad happened in that place.I think the place where the child is should be where the incident happened.

Pei Renrong: The boss is right. To be more precise, the child should now be in the room where the kidnapper's parents were killed!
Boss Xu: Yes, the place that made him happiest was the place where he lived with his family back then.Their former residence is the beginning of everything and the end of happiness.Thirty or forty innocent lives were sacrificed, but the kidnapper was reborn.Xiaoyu, you ask Eric to look up the exact location of the accident, go there and look for it, there is definitely a clue!

Seeing their explanation, Gu Nuoxian suddenly realized it!
He quickly took out his cell phone and called An Xiyao, explaining everything.An Xiyao hung up the phone after listening, and then called Chen Youping to ask where the incident happened. 2 minutes later, the call came back.

"Uncle An, do you have any clues?" Gu Nuoxian couldn't wait to ask.

An Xiyao hummed, and replied, "It's in Coastal City F, on the hillside of Shicheng District."

"I see!"

When Gu Nuoxian came home, Ji Ruo was still awake.

"How is it?" Seeing him coming back, Ji Ruo immediately stood up.Gu Nuoxian glanced at her, and there was a little smile in his eyes: "In F City, hurry over now, and you can arrive tomorrow morning."

"I'll go with you!" Ji Ruo took his hand, this time, she didn't want to let go.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at the tightly pulled hands and arms, but finally couldn't bear to refuse. "Put on your coat and we'll take the helicopter."


It was dawn before they arrived at City C.To be on the safe side, Gu Nuoxian and the others did not drive the helicopter to the Shicheng District. They chose to stop at the F city airport, and then drove to the Shicheng District.

Song Yuxian took people to find out the news. When Gu Nuoxian arrived halfway up the mountain, he was hugging Gu Lingmo who was still asleep.Seeing the child in his arms, Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Master Nuo, when we came, there was no one else here except a nanny." Song Yu handed the child into Ji Ruo's arms with a puzzled look on his face.Gu Nuoxian walked into the villa, and saw the nanny kneeling on the ground tremblingly. "Your master?" he asked.

The nanny trembled and said: "Master has not shown up from the beginning to the end. Last night at two o'clock in the morning, this child was sent here by a man I don't know. The man said that he wanted me to take good care of the child, and that he would have a child today." His father came to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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