S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 487 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast 1 More

Chapter 487 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast Second Watch (8)
Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian's heart sank. "You just said that that person knew we were coming today?"

"Yes... yes!"

The nanny shivered for a long time before saying: "I really only know this, I don't know anything else!" She is a nanny, and it's temporary.Gu Nuoxian couldn't ask more questions.

Ji Ruo hugged Gu Lingmo, she looked at the rising sun and felt a strange feeling in her heart. "This man is planning to take Momo away, but he doesn't intend to harm him. He also knows that we will find him. What's his plan?"

When Gu Nuoxian heard Ji Ruo's words, he was also puzzled.At this moment, Gu Yanxi suddenly called him.Gu Nuoxian picked up the phone and heard Gu Yanxi yell anxiously: "Brother, the other party changed his mind temporarily and asked us to hand over Cang Juexiao's ashes before twelve noon!"

"Why did it suddenly change?"

"We don't know either. Uncle An and Junran have already taken the ashes and got into the vehicle designated by the other party." Fang Ai Lun suddenly screamed, and Gu Yanxi hurried over to look at Ai Lun's phone, and then followed Gu Nuoxian said: "Brother! That person is talking nonsense on the Internet, saying that if His Excellency Dong Sheng does not kowtow to apologize before eight o'clock this morning, he will kill the senior officials of the country one by one!"

Gu Nuoxian was startled, he asked Song Yu: "What time is it?"

"Seven fifty-eight!"

Gu Nuoxian suddenly said: "Turn on the TV!"

Ji Ruo put down Gu Lingmo and pressed the remote control.All TV stations are broadcasting the same picture, the background of the video is obviously the National Hall.A group of high-ranking officials and leaders gathered together, looking very serious.

It's 59, and His Excellency Dong Sheng has not yet arrived at the scene.

When the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock, in the camera, a high-ranking official in a black suit was shot and fell to the ground!

There was a commotion in the audience, bodyguards poured into the scene one after another, the picture paused at this point, only snowflakes were flickering.Gu Nuoxian, Ji Ruo and Song Yu looked at each other and understood at the same time that that person was serious!
In their hearts, they were both shocked and surprised.

"Gang Yanxi said that the other party has advanced the trading time to twelve o'clock." Gu Nuoxian couldn't help asking his subordinates for a cigarette. These things happened too suddenly today, and he has always had a smart brain, and he was a little confused.

Song Yu also sat down next to Gu Nuoxian, and he also lit a cigarette.Opening his mouth and exhaling a puff of smoke, Song Yu suddenly said, "Why do I feel that the reason why we are sitting here now is also controlled by that person?"

As soon as Song Yu said this, Gu Nuoxian shook his two fingers holding the cigarette.

"Why didn't I think of it..." Gu Nuoxian suddenly slapped the sleeping Gu Lingmo on the face, Ji Ruo was startled, "Why did you hit him?" At this time, Gu Lingmo woke up leisurely, he Seeing Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian, he was overjoyed at first, and then said: "Big brother, as expected, you didn't, lie to me!"

"As soon as I wake up, I can see you, Daddy and Mommy!" Gu Lingmo rubbed his eyes, still in disbelief.Hearing Gu Lingmo's words, several people's expressions changed at the same time.Gu Nuoxian pinched Gu Lingmo's little nose and asked him, "What did the big brother tell you?"

"He said, come with him, you can eat ice cream."

"anything else?"

Gu Lingmo blinked and said uncertainly, "You can play peek-a-boo."

"anything else?"

Gu Lingmo thought hard for a long time, and finally said: "He also said, my mommy is a good person."

Ji Ruo's heart was struck by lightning, but Gu Nuoxian was not much better.The two looked at each other, and finally understood why Gu Lingmo was kidnapped! "He put so much effort into acting like this, but he just wants to drive you away!"

Gu Nuoxian wanted to understand this truth, and his mood suddenly changed.It seems that the person who made the attack is a rival in love with Ji Ruoan who has good intentions!

Ji Ruo didn't have his messy thoughts, a face flashed in her mind at this moment.

That face, clear and handsome, smiled kindly, cute and lovable.That man has a very strange disease, he can't control himself when he gets sick, he is just 22 years old this year, all his information is fake, when he was almost hit by a car last time, he showed extraordinary moving speed...

"Is...is it Zhutong...?" Ji Ruo felt his whole body lose strength.If it's really Bamboo Hitomi, it's easy to explain.But how could such a kind child like Zhutong do such a thing?
Ji Ruo still remembers how Zhu Tong called her Sister Ruo with a smile.

Gu Nuoxian was taken aback for a moment, thinking of Zhu Tong's previous two strange attacks, the fog in his heart was finally lifted.It turned out that the insane remnant had been by their side all along!Gu Nuoxian took another deep breath of the cigarette, and said in a deep voice, "Ninety-nine are not far from ten."

After listening to the strange conversation between the two, Song Yu only had one question in mind. "Master Nuo, madam, it's just a deal, why did that Zhutong dismiss madam?"

Song Yu's words made Ji Ruo feel very bad thoughts. "I... I doubt this transaction, I'm afraid it is a trap!" A gluttonous feast waiting for all those who are related to the Cang family to die in person!
(End of this chapter)

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