S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 57 Who Moved the Dress

Chapter 57 Who Moved the Dress (2)
Because of the broken dress, her buttocks inadvertently revealed a small piece of white flowers, which are alluring and springy.

A sound of gasping for air rang out one after another in the studio...


When the shutter button was pressed, Zhuo Yu swore that he did this action entirely because he was too surprised.

Quickly put away the camera, Zhuo Yu took off his coat to cover the spring, but he saw a figure passing through the crowd faster than him, heading straight for Ji Ruo.Guo Rui undressed as he walked, his suit jacket hadn't completely caught Ji Ruo's back, the woman with a pretty face blushing and embarrassed immediately reacted.

Turning sideways, Ji Ruo avoids direct contact with Guo Rui, stepping on high heels, even if Ji Ruo is gone, she still looks like an old lady who doesn't care.She walked up to Luo Tong, and just looked at Luo Tong so quietly, for a moment, Ji Ruo's eyes were bewildered and helpless.

Ji Ruo didn't want anyone to see such a helpless self.

In the audience, she only trusted Luo Tong.

Luo Tong was stunned, and then came to his senses, then pulled off his coat and wrapped Ji Ruo tightly.Holding Ji Ruo in his arms, Luo Tong's watery face was intertwined with anger and chill, and Li Wei's pupils shrank sharply when he saw it.

"Mr. Zhuo, there must be an explanation for today's matter!" Luo Tong said, but stared coldly at Li Wei opposite.Li Wei opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Zhuo Yu's eyes changed, and he glanced at Xiaojie subconsciously, Xiaojie waved his hands quickly, his eyes were full of bewilderment and puzzlement, and there was a sincere apology. "Miss Ji, it's really not me!" Xiaojie blushed anxiously.

Ji Ruo looked at Xiaojie for two seconds, then glanced at Li Wei's direction inadvertently, and then whispered to Luo Tong: "Sister Tong, take me to the rest room." face.

Luo Tong's face turned white and livid, and then he hugged Ji Ruo tightly and walked towards the lounge, leaving everyone in the room stunned.Seeing Luo Tong and two entered the room, Li Wei looked at Zhen Yue calmly, Zhen Yue pretended not to see, but there was a smile that couldn't be hidden deep in her eyes.

Suddenly, a sharp gaze swept over Li Wei's cheek, and Li Wei was startled to find that the owner of that gaze was Guo Rui, the director of the company.


Zhuo Yu was sitting in his lounge. He looked at the photo in the camera. In the photo, Ji Ruo was in the most provocative pose, the back of the dress was open, and the skin inside was white and charming. Endless astonishment and stupefaction, as well as the indissoluble mist.

Zhen Yue beside her smiled maliciously, as if she had expected what happened.

Xiaojie opened the door and came in. Seeing that Zhuo Yu was silent, his voice became softer: "Mr. Zhuo, it's really not me. I checked it before..."

"Okay, I know you didn't do this, but you are also at fault, you are too careless." Zhuo Yu's eyes were cold, Xiaojie was startled, no one knew who Zhuo Yu was, but he knew some news.

This Zhuo Yu is an excellent friend with the boss of Q Week Magazine, as long as he says a word, his job may be lost at any time.


"Xiaojie, my subordinates don't raise waste." Zhuo Yu turned his head away, and the cruel words were said with a calm expression on his face.Probably all artists are like this, with a poisonous mouth and excellent concentration.

Xiaojie was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhuo Yu who was concentrating on his work with red eyes for a long time, and finally he was unwilling to leave.

Zhuo Yu lowered his head and sighed as Xiaojie left.There are countless existences like Xiaojie in the circle, some scapegoats are not blamed, so they can only sacrifice the little people. "Xu Hua, call Luo Shi from Phile Magazine and tell him that I sent him an excellent makeup artist."

When Xu Hua heard this, she was moved to tears. "Master, you are so kind! I love you so much!" Xu Hua hugged his master fiercely, and then chased outside the studio.

"This brat, he's not big or small." With a scolding laugh, Zhuo Yu stroked his arm, Xu Hua was so strong that he almost strangled him to death.


"You are too confused, let her be confused, Li Wei, how can you be so confused as a manager?"

Outside the studio, at the edge of the forest, Guo Rui was so angry that his handsome face turned black.Pointing his index finger at Li Wei's forehead, Guo Rui couldn't figure out what words to use to scold her.Li Wei lowered his head, neither making a sound nor making excuses.

"Li Wei, at this point, I have no choice but to doubt your ability to work." Rubbing the center of his brows with his index finger, Guo Rui's words successfully surprised Li Wei.Li Wei raised his head abruptly, and quickly admitted his mistake: "Director Guo, what I did today was wrong." Li Wei gritted his teeth and apologized as he grabbed his trousers tightly with his fingers.

Guo Rui shook his head and said, "Li Wei, for the next week, you and Zhen Yue should rest first." After finishing speaking, Guo Rui raised his legs and walked towards the studio.Li Wei was stunned, his face full of unwillingness, the more Guo Rui defended Ji Ruo, the more unwilling she would be.

Where is that girl?
It's fine to be signed by Yanuo because of shit luck, why even the director of your own company is partial to her?
(End of this chapter)

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