S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 58 She's a Devil

Chapter 58 She's a Devil (1)

in the lounge.

Ji Ruo changed back into her own clothes, weighing the torn dress in her hands, her gaze was as calm as a lake.Luo Tong took the dress from her palm and put the hot water he brought into her palm.

The warm water flowed down the glass to Ji Ruo's fingertips, and the warmth slipped by, making Ji Ruo feel at ease.

In fact, her mind was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. This was the first time she encountered such a situation, and it was difficult to digest for a while.When she was nervous, she wanted to drink water. Ji Ruo raised her head and drank the warm water in one gulp. She turned the glass upside down, and there was not a single drop left.

Grinning, Ji Ruo smiled.Luo Tong was startled, she clearly saw the cold light in Ji Ruo's eyes, Ji Ruo like this was very different from Ji Ruo who usually spoke little. "What do you want to do?"

The smile on the corner of Ji Ruo's mouth became brighter, and Luo Tong became more vigilant. "Ah Ruo, don't mess around. You are a newcomer now. It's not good to lose your sense of propriety." Ji Ruo put away her smile. Her bright cold eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts. Putting on her scented coat, she asked, "You know who did it, right?" It was clearly a question, but she spoke in a firm tone.

Luo Tong choked, glanced at her, and replied: "I guessed, there is no evidence."

Ji Ruo curled her lips into a smile, "Well, it is indeed my Luo Tong, as I guessed."

"How do you know who I guessed in my heart?" Luo Tong's puzzled eyes looked extremely cute.Ji Ruo pinched Luo Tong's juicy cheeks, and Luo Tong scolded her for being rude.Ji Ruo rubbed her fingers, um, Sister Tong's face feels really good to the touch, and I will seize the opportunity to touch it more in the future.

Ji Ruo put down the cup, blinked, and replied, "Which one of us is with whom, who here is not happy with me? Sister Tong, I pray that you guessed the same person as me, otherwise I will despise your IQ." Ji Ruo After all, with a calm expression on his face, he went out.

By the time Luo Tong thought of trying to stop Ji Ruo from doing something, that person already had no idea where he had gone.


Zhen Yue leaned against the bathroom table, her eyes were full of smiles, thinking of the scene when Ji Ruo was embarrassed, her mood immediately improved. "Ji Ruo, making embarrassment in public is not normal!"

Zhen Yue bent over to wash her hands with icy cold water, and applied the hand sanitizer on the palms and backs of her hands. It was as smooth as her mood.The closed door was pushed open from the outside, and the people who were washing their hands didn't notice it.

By the time she realized someone was standing behind her, it was too late.

A black leather belt tied Zhen Yue's arms tightly to her upper body, and a gloved hand blocked her mouth tightly.The entire kidnapping process took Ji Ruo less than three seconds!Zhen Yue didn't care to think about it, and reacted instantly, then struggled in panic, and her high heels made an astonishing sound on the smooth ground.Because they knew she was inside, none of the staff dared to offend her, so they walked around the bathroom ten meters away.

No matter how big of a commotion Zhen Yue makes, it will be in vain.

Through the mirror, Zhen Yue watched helplessly as Ji Ruo, who had an evil smile on her face, tied her up with a men's belt, and her knees were violently hit by a sharp foreign object. Back away.

Zhen Yue's back was rubbing against the ground, and she was in a panic, swimming on the ground like a lazy snake.

Walking into a toilet room, Ji Ruo mentioned Zhen Yue and put her down on the toilet seat.Then, she took out an unused sanitary napkin from her pocket and stuck it on Zhen Yue's mouth, because her hands were tied behind her, Zhen Yue could only cry and watch Ji Ruo stick the sanitary napkin on her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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