S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 574 Daddy, Why Are You Bullying Mommy?

Chapter 574 Daddy, Why Are You Bullying Mommy (2)
Ji Ruo shyly blushed like grapes.She shrunk her face into Gu Nuoxian's arms, and said silently: I'm ashamed to see others.

Gu Nuoxian looked at Gu Lingmo with a sullen face, but Gu Lingmo was too stupid to understand why Daddy suddenly lost his temper and wanted to bully Mommy. "Gu Lingmo, get out now, right now, right now!"

He pointed at the door and roared with his upper body sideways.

Gu Lingmo's body froze, he hesitated for a few seconds, and was very spineless. "Mummy, I'm sorry, I want to help you too..." Gu Lingmo pursed his lips and burst into tears, "Wow! I'm sorry, Mommy, I...I'm afraid Daddy...hit me! I can't beat him now! I ...I'm leaving first!" Gu Lingmo rushed downstairs, screaming while running.

"What's wrong with the second young master?"

Seeing Gu Lingmo running downstairs crying, the housekeeper quickly put him in his arms and asked him lovingly.

Gu Lingmo wiped away tears, sniffled, and cried, "Daddy took off his pants...hit my mommy..." He wiped his face again, "But I...I'm too young to beat Daddy..." He cried Very sad.

"I can't save, I can't save Mommy, I'm so sad!" After Gu Lingmo finished speaking, he was out of breath from crying.

The servants and housekeepers in the room all opened their mouths, embarrassed.

"Second young master, don't cry, the young master is not bullying Madam." The butler comforted him with a blushing old face.

Gu Lingmo raised his cute little face and cried like pear blossoms and rain. "Housekeeper, don't lie to me... I've seen it all... Mommy's face is... red in pain!" He climbed onto the sofa, hugged the small pillow, and cried so sadly.

A group of people: "..."

"I...I'm really not a man!" Gu Lingmo cried while hugging and rolling around on the sofa. A group of people looked at him and looked at each other, not knowing how to explain what he saw.


"Damn it, little bastard!" Gu Nuoxian locked the door, then walked back behind the desk cursing.

Ji Ruo adjusted the broken skirt, flatteringly said: "It's all messed up, so I won't come, okay?"

Gu Nuoxian looked at her with a frown, but there was still a little bit of anger in his eyes. "Are you okay?" His harsh tone is enough to show how much anger he has in his heart at the moment.Ji Ruo shrank her neck, accepting the punishment from Mr. Gu resignedly.


It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that the two of them changed into clean clothes and went downstairs.

The cook heated up all the food, and Ji Ruo silently ate two bowls. Then, under Gu Nuoxian's half-smile gaze, he went straight upstairs and entered Gu Lingmo's room.Gu Lingmo curled up on the bed with a small body, and there were still two lines of tears on his cheeks.

"Momo, are you asleep?"

Ji Ruo sat down against the edge of the bed and asked softly.

The little man on the bed shrugged his shoulders, but said nothing.

Ji Ruo couldn't laugh or cry, she carefully hugged Gu Lingmo into her arms, patted him on the shoulder, and asked patiently: "Mo Mo, can you tell Mommy, why are you crying?" Ruo's arms, he said in a low voice: "Mummy is in trouble, Momo is cowardly, can't beat Daddy, left Mommy, and ran away by himself. I... I'm sorry Mommy!" Mommy loves him so much, But he abandoned Mommy when she was in trouble.

A thorn of guilt grew in the little man's heart.

When Ji Ruo heard his explanation, he was speechless for a long time.

"Mo Mo, actually... the one you saw today is not Daddy beating Mommy."

"Mum, I've seen it all, you don't have to… lie to me." Gu Lingmo stubbornly believed that everyone was lying to him.Ji Ruo had a big head, she thought for a moment, organized her words, and said, "Daddy is... loving Mommy."

(End of this chapter)

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