S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 575 Daddy, Why Are You Bullying Mommy?

Chapter 575 Daddy, Why Are You Bullying Mommy (3)
"Obviously, yes, bullying you..."

Ji Ruo: "..."

"Momo, you're still young, you'll know when you grow up. Well, don't think about it, go to bed now, Mommy and Daddy will take you abroad to play after a while, okay?" When you hear that you can go abroad , Gu Lingmo suddenly forgot about tonight.

He suddenly got up from Ji Ruo's arms, jumped up on the bed excitedly, and then jumped out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Ji Ruo stood up and looked at him funny.

Gu Lingmo made a face at her, and said, "I'll call my brother and tell him that I'm going abroad to play." After Gu Lingmo finished speaking, he picked up the landline and pressed a few words that he knew by heart. words.

"Okay, you go to bed earlier, Mommy has gone back to her room."

"it is good."


In an iron cage, Gu Weixun was holding a bayonet, and in front of him stood a bloody lion.

There was a blood hole in the lion's neck, and blood gushed out, and the sand on the ground was stained red.Gu Weixun's arm went numb, and his condition was also very bad, his face was painted, and his back was scratched with two deep marks by the lion's sharp claws.

It was bleeding out.

Lei Ying folded his arms and leaned against the motorcycle outside the iron cage, while Mo Mo held a machine gun in his hand, staring intently at the children and the lion inside the iron cage.

"Lei Ying, isn't it too cruel to treat a child like this?" As a woman, Mo Mo was always kinder than Lei Ying.Lei Ying peeled an orange and handed it to Mo Mo's mouth. Mo Mo swallowed it, his eyes still focused on the battle in the iron cage.

"It's not cruel. When he goes through one battle after another and returns home alive, he will be grateful to me." Lei Ying clapped his hands and roared: "Half an hour has passed, Gu Weixun, are you trash?"

"A mere lion can't be killed. Are you eager to verify the fact that you are a waste?"

The corner of Gu Weixun's mouth twitched, and he cursed Lei Ying eighteen times in his heart.

With his eyes fixed on the opposite lion, Gu Weixun didn't dare to be distracted.The lion still has his last breath, and he will not give up until he falls.A person and a beast are all looking for the best opportunity to make a move, and no one is willing to admit death.

There is a quiet and dangerous factor in the air.

Gu Weixun turned the bayonet twice in his hand repeatedly, and then kicked on the iron cage, his small body jumped into the air.With a whistling sound, he jumped into the sky.The lion realized that something was wrong, and shook his body, and his fur trembled accordingly.

The lion also jumped up and wanted to deal with him.

Gu Weixun squinted his eyes, and held the iron rod in the sky with one hand.He straightened his waist, his feet were hooked to the iron rod, and his upper body was hanging upside down.Seeing that the lion's mouth was about to bite off his neck, Lei Ying and Mo Mo froze at the same time. Lei Ying reached behind his waist and touched the pistol.

No matter how ruthless he said, he didn't dare to really let Gu Weixun lose his life.

Gu Weixun's eyes turned hard, he raised his right hand and at the same time stretched out his left hand.The left hand was bitten by the lion, and Gu Weixun's raised right hand stabbed fiercely at this moment.

The bayonet was inserted into the lion's body again, this time, it pierced one of the lion's eyes.


The lion roared one after another, and the exhausted voice was full of pain.

The lion let go of his mouth and fell down with a crash.

Gu Weixun flicked his bitten left hand, let go of his legs hooked on the iron rod, he jumped off, and stood firmly beside the lion.Gu Weixun's eyes were stained red with blood, he raised the bayonet again, and cut off the neck of the lion that was still struggling for death.

One knife, ruthless and fast, cut off the lion's head directly.

Bloody water gushes out like a spring.

Gu Weixun held up the lion's head and raised his middle finger at Lei Ying. "I won!" Gu Weixun's small face was always unruly, full of disbelief.

Lei Ying raised his eyebrows and remained silent.


Mo Mo couldn't help applauding. "Good job!"

Gu Weixun hummed softly, threw away the lion's head and walked out of the cage.He returned to the camp, and before he had time to take a shower and change, his cell phone rang suddenly.Seeing that it was Gu Lingmo's call, no matter how tired Gu Weixun was, he would pick it up immediately.

"Mo Mo, you still haven't slept so late?" It was noon in Africa, and it was ten o'clock at night in country C.

Gu Lingmo chuckled for a while, and said to him triumphantly: "Brother, Mommy said, after a while, you want to take me abroad to play!"

Gu Weixun's eyes relaxed, "That's a good thing."

"Brother, when are you coming back?" Gu Lingmo asked in a nonchalant voice, grabbing the hem of his clothes with his small hands.Gu Weixun put the mobile phone between his ear and his shoulder. He used his right hand to bandage his left arm, but he couldn't do his best and replied, "There are still one year and seven months left!"

"Then...then you can't go play with us." Gu Lingmo was quite disappointed. It's a pity that the family travels without a brother. "Mo Mo, my brother is going to sleep, when I come back, let's go play together."

Gu Lingmo was silent for a while, and said: "Bye bye..." He hung up the phone, climbed into bed, but couldn't sleep.

Gu Weixun bandaged the wound tightly, and then he raised his pale face to look at the ceiling of the tent.

"Gu Weixun, persistence is victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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