S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 576 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you

Chapter 576 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you (1)
On October [-]th, Ji Ruo started a business trip to several first-tier big cities across the country to promote the movie "Sisters and Brothers".Ji Xuanyu rushed back from the United States on purpose, and Lai Changxi came with her.

During this period of time, Lai Changxi was always by Ji Xuanyucheng's side. She could cook many delicious things every day, and even Ji Ruo had a good taste.

October NO.18, the film is officially released.

Ji Ruo appeared at the premiere of the film, and Gu Nuoxian, who was dressed in a low-key manner, was also present.

Gu Nuoxian sat under the stage, looking fondly at Ji Ruo who was talking and laughing happily with the host on the high stage, he couldn't hold anyone else in his eyes.Lai Changxi sat beside him, and said softly, "We Ruoruo, do we have any signs of memory recovery recently?"

The tenderness in Gu Nuoxian's eyes froze.He shook his head, never taking his eyes off Ji Ruo who was wearing a blue dress on the high platform.

"There's no need to rush this, let it take its course."

Lai Changxi nodded, and then sighed: "It's rare to live with Ruoruo for half a month in this national publicity conference, but still." Lai Changxi looked down at her fingers, and said desolately: "It still feels so short. .”

"Although seeing her happy, Yu and I feel at ease, but we parents are always greedy." Lai Changxi looked at the pair of children on the high platform, and prayed in her heart that the family of four could truly be together .

"Aunt Lai."


"Trust her, she will remember." Gu Nuoxian was certain that his Ruoruo would remember her real family sooner or later.That period of the past may be too far away for her, but it is a part of her after all. A person like her is unwilling to have a blank memory all the time.

Lai Changxi didn't say anything when she heard the words, looking at Ji Ruo who looked exactly like her father in every frown and smile, Lai Changxi could only tell herself over and over again that she believed in Ji Ruo.

"Sisters and Brothers" is a low-budget commercial film. It is not outstanding in terms of plot, but the acting skills of the actors, as well as the post-editing and soundtrack are excellent.In particular, the theme song "Let's Love" sung by Lin Feitong was praised by everyone.

Of course, the most impressive scene was the scene where Wan Shiqi exchanged her kidney for Wan Xiaoduo. Two operating beds and one kidney saved a dying child.Obviously they are happy enemies, but at the last moment, they surrendered at the feet of love.

The response to the film was not bad, at least no one scolded it for misappropriating money.

Gu Nuoxian returned home, and set the screenshot of Ji Ruo jumping into the sea under the setting sun to rescue Wan Xiaotao as the computer screen.

He always felt that Ji Ruo in the sunset was unbelievably beautiful.

"Mommy, grandparents are here."

Gu Lingmo ran upstairs with a model airplane in his hand, and pushed open the door of Ji Ruo's room.Ji Ruo, who was packing her luggage, raised her head upon hearing this, and asked in surprise, "Grandpa and grandma?"

"Hmm! What a beautiful grandma."

Ji Ruo couldn't help laughing, "Then grandpa isn't pretty?"

Gu Lingmo touched the airplane model with his finger, then pouted and said, "Grandpa, it's also very nice, just..."

"What is it?"

"I just don't like to laugh, it looks scary." Gu Lingmo said in a low voice, as if worried about being overheard.Ji Ruo closed the lid of the box before walking to Gu Lingmo, holding him in his arms and going downstairs.

Su Xi sat on the sofa with Mr. Gu, the housekeeper respectfully stood aside, and all the servants in the room stood obediently in a row, very quiet.

Hearing footsteps, the couple turned around at the same time.

"Mummy, Daddy, why are you here? You didn't say hello in advance, so that I could tell the servants to get ready." Ji Ruo put down Gu Lingmo, then went to sit down opposite Su Xi. "Mum, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, I'll ask the butler to cook first."

(End of this chapter)

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