S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 590 You Make Me Breathless

Chapter 590 You Hug Me Out of Breath (3)
Gu Lingmo, who was wearing khaki overalls, was standing in a grass field, with a dozen or so thick trees behind him.A group of kangaroos hopping around behind him is a great spot for a photo.Ji Ruo thought for a while, then agreed.

"Mo Mo, you stand under that tree." Ji Ruo pointed to a tree that was not too tall, and motioned for Gu Lingmo to stand under the tree.

Gu Lingmo nodded, and ran under the tree on two fat legs.He made a simple gesture with his right hand, grinning and smiling silly.

Gu Nuoxian let out a smirk and said, "Stupid!"

Gu Lingmo's mouth shrunk, "Then tell me, what's a good pose?" Always despised by Gu Nuoxian, Gu Lingmo has already cultivated an indestructible body, not only can he survive his father's spurning, He can even maintain his combat effectiveness and reply him with a sentence or two.

Gu Nuoxian raised his eyebrows slightly, he glanced at the jumping kangaroo in the distance, and said, "Now, put on a kangaroo pose!"

Hearing this, Gu Lingmo put his doubts into a kangaroo pose.

Ji Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, squatted down, stood three or four meters away from Gu Lingmo, and took several pictures in a row. "Mummy, is it alright?" Gu Lingmo's stiff hands on his chest trembled, a little tired.

"...That's it!" Ji Ruo stood up, and was about to give Gu Lingmo two cards. At this time, a kangaroo that was not too small jumped up behind Gu Lingmo. Ji Ruo quickly pressed the shortcut key to send Gu Lingmo Ling Mo and the kangaroo are frozen in the same shot.

"Gu Nuoxian, come and take a look, see if Mo Mo looks like a fool!" Ji Ruo flipped through the photo album he just took, and motioned for Gu Nuoxian to take a look.Seeing that Ji Ruo was so excited, Gu Nuoxian glanced cooperatively, and his brows and eyes frowned when he saw it.

In the photo frame, Gu Lingmo stood sideways with his legs apart, with his two small hands on his chest and his wrists hanging down, with a displeased expression on his face, looking like a kangaroo.

"Yes, it suits him quite well."

The two looked happily, but Gu Lingmo exclaimed——

"Ah! Mom... Mommy! Help!"

The two looked up at the same time, but they couldn't find Gu Lingmo.Gu Nuoxian's face changed, thinking that he was kidnapped by the bad guys.


The two started running at the same time, looking for Gu Lingmo's whereabouts. When they heard the movement, Song Yu, who was watching the koala in the distance, ran over with Xu Mo'an. "What's going on?" Song Yu looked around vigilantly, ready to notify the guards behind him at any time.

"Momo is gone!"

Gu Nuoxian's words were concise and to the point, and his brows and eyes that had always been indifferent also showed some anxiety.

"Attention, the second young master has been taken away!" Song Yu turned on the communication device he was carrying and said into the earphone.

"Roger that!"

The guards waiting in the forest were dispatched one after another, secretly checking everyone who passed by.

At this moment, a substandard English sentence suddenly spit out from the mouth of an East Asian-looking woman:


Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian looked at each other, and hurriedly shouted to the woman: "Where?"

The woman pointed to the top of the hill and stammered, "It's—just—over—there!"

Gu Nuoxian looked up the hill, and when he saw it, he was shocked. "Damn it, that kid was taken away by the mother kangaroo as her own!" Ji Ruo was funny and anxious after hearing this, and they ran after them up the mountain. From a distance, they seemed to be able to hear Gu Ling Mo hissed and roared at the top of his lungs.

"It's too slow to run like this, come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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