S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 591 You Make Me Breathless

Chapter 591 You Hug Me Out of Breath (4)
Xu Mo'an went directly to the park guards, borrowed a tour bus, and drove after the kangaroos.When Gu Lingmo saw his father, they finally found themselves, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.He was placed in his pouch by the kangaroo mother, who kicked and jumped with her legs much faster than normal humans.

Gu Lingmo turned around and looked up at the mother kangaroo with an aggrieved expression, wanting to cry but unable to cry.

"Gu Lingmo! Catch me!"

The tour bus was getting closer and closer to their position, Gu Nuoxian leaned out and stretched out a hand towards him.Gu Lingmo looked at Daddy, in Daddy's eyes, there was encouragement but also worry.Gu Lingmo's heart hardened, and he nodded. "I see."

The moment the tour bus drove away, Gu Lingmo stretched out his hand.

Gu Nuoxian clasped his five fingers together, tightly clasping Gu Lingmo's little hand in his palm.


Gu Lingmo reacted, kicked the pouch with his legs, and jumped out of mother kangaroo's pouch with his small body.Song Yu helped, and the two adults rescued Gu Lingmo smoothly.Gu Lingmo was thrown into the tour bus, still in shock.

"I thought you couldn't find me!"

Gu Lingmo knew he was crying now.

He threw himself into Gu Nuoxian's arms, crying until his nose and tears stained Gu Nuoxian's shirt.Gu Nuoxian glanced at Gu Lingmo coldly from the corner of his eye, but did not push him away.Xu Mo'an pushed his glasses, pursed his lips and laughed happily.

"Eric, your son is really a rare genius! He can be recognized by kangaroos as his own if he takes a photo, and he is kidnapped." After Xu Mo'an finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing. stand up.

Song Yu looked at him inexplicably, not knowing what was so funny about it.

After Gu Lingmo finished crying, he looked at Ji Ruo with tears in his eyes, and asked her, "Mum, did the photo look good?"

Ji Ruo was full of worry and immediately wiped it all away. Come on, he was still thinking about his own photo at this time. It seemed that Gu Lingmo's young heart was not frightened.She couldn't help but open the photo album and find out the photos she took earlier.

When Gu Lingmo saw the results of the photos, he was quite satisfied, so he didn't feel so wronged.

With this out, they are not in the mood to continue shopping in the park.


That night, Gu Lingmo crawled into bed with a full meal, and he slept very soundly for the first few hours.But halfway through, he woke up inadvertently, stared at the ceiling several times, and recalled the moment when he was taken away by the kangaroo.

He suddenly wanted to cry.

That's what he was thinking, if daddy and the others didn't find him, would he never see his daddy, mommy and brother?
At that moment, the child was terrified.

Fortunately, his father, who had a poisonous tongue and disliked him, managed to find him.

Gu Lingmo turned over, lay alone on the big bed, and slowly fell asleep again.

In the second half of the night, he dreamed repeatedly.

In his dream, he dreamed of many endings in which he was kidnapped by a kangaroo and was not found by Gu Nuoxian.He dreamed that the kangaroo finally recognized that he was not his child, so he let him go. He walked out of the park alone, couldn't find his father, and gradually became a street child. Later, he met bad people and was sold by them. The underground boxing field has become the kind of poor kid that Daddy said boxing for a living;

He also dreamed that he was captured by villains, his body was dismembered, his body was scattered all over the country, and he never saw his family again until he died;
He also dreamed that he was adopted by a poor couple, who loved him very much at first, and then they stopped loving him when they had their own children.They often beat him and scolded him, Gu Lingmo endured it, but in the end, he was still abandoned by the couple...

(End of this chapter)

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