S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 592 You Make Me Breathless

Chapter 592 You Hug Me Out of Breath (5)
What's even more exaggerated is that he also dreamed that he wandered to the place of Fengyue and became the younger brother who washed and delivered water to his sisters. Later, when he grew up, he became the little bitch who sold his ass in the mouth of his father...

In short, in the dream, Gu Lingmo became all the poor characters in Gu Nuoxian's mouth.

"Wow-wow! Mommy! Daddy!" Gu Lingmo cried, unable to wake up.

He is still dreaming, and he is still picking up trash on the street.

I can't wake up even if I want to.

The door was pushed open, and Ji Ruo, who came over in a bathrobe, hugged Gu Lingmo in his arms, and then gently called his name: "Mo Mo, wake up, Mo Mo, I'm Mommy!" Ruo wiped away Gu Lingmo's tears with his fingers, trying to wake up the child.

Gu Nuoxian touched his nose, sat down next to the edge of the bed, and remained silent.

Gu Lingmo was still crying, indescribably sad.

Ji Ruo couldn't bear it, so she forced Gu Lingmo to wake up.Gu Lingmo opened his eyes slowly, their eyes were cloudy with tears, and he couldn't see Ji Ruo's face clearly. "Momo, are you having a nightmare?" Ji Ruo's voice was rare and tender.

Gu Lingmo was stunned, his head suddenly approached Ji Ruo's chest, and his little hands hugged her tightly.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Gu Lingmo's head resting on Ji Ruo's chest, a little displeased, he was about to hug Gu Lingmo, but Ji Ruo gave him a cold look.Gu Nuoxian shrugged, and then resignedly gave up.

"Mommy, Mommy! I finally found you!" Gu Lingmo woke up with a start, his speech was surprisingly articulate, and he didn't stop talking.

Ji Ruo patted his little head, comforting him silently.

"Idiot, did you have a nightmare?" Gu Nuoxian slapped Gu Lingmo on the head, he snorted coldly, and then said, "Could it be a dream that we didn't find you, and you were wandering on the street alone, and you became a dreamer?" A homeless child, right?"

As soon as Gu Nuoxian said this, Gu Lingmo immediately remembered the miserable scene in his dream.

He had already stopped crying, but when he heard what Gu Nuoxian said, he immediately pushed Gu Nuoxian away, and then let go of his voice and shouted: "Daddy, you are so bad! You always scare me! You You scoundrel! Momo doesn't love you anymore!" His small hand tightly grabbed Ji Ruo's skirt, "It's better for Mommy, Mommy never scares Momo."

The reason why he would have that kind of dream was because Gu Nuoxian always whispered in his ear what was there and what was not, planting the seeds of fear in his young heart.

Gu Nuoxian who was pushed away was a little dazed.

He stared blankly at Gu Lingmo, his thin lips pursed into a long straight line.Gu Nuoxian stared at Gu Lingmo quite hurt, then got up and left silently.

He closed the door, and before leaving, he couldn't help but glance at Gu Lingmo again.

Gu Nuoxian went back to the room depressed and completely lost sleepiness.


Ji Ruo coaxed Gu Lingmo to sleep before returning to the room.

Gu Nuoxian put his hands under his head, under his sword eyebrows, his cold eyes were slightly closed, as if he was asleep.

Ji Ruo lifted the quilt and lay beside him, she hugged him and put her head on Gu Nuoxian's shoulder. "Gu Nuoxian, are you in a bad mood?"

Gu Nuoxian didn't say anything at first, and after waiting for a long time, he stretched out his arms to wrap around Ji Ruo's waist.Gu Nuoxian rubbed his chin on the top of Ji Ruo's head, "Ruoruo," Gu Nuoxian's voice was confused, and Ji Ruo looked at him sideways, waiting for his next words.Gu Nuoxian then opened his eyes, he pursed his lips, and then hesitantly asked: "Am I being too... fierce to that idiot?"

Ji Ruo was taken aback for a moment, feeling amused and uncomfortable at the same time.

Suddenly there was an extra child, and Gu Nuoxian couldn't handle his father's identity well. He didn't know how to get along with children day and night, so it wasn't his fault. "No, you like him, that's why you treat him that way." Ji Ruo said again: "You're not being fierce, you're just loving him."

"Who loves him!" Gu Nuoxian shook her head arrogantly.

Ji Ruo just smiled deeply, "If you don't love him, you won't argue with him at all." Gu Nuoxian is also an awkward person, the more he cares about a person, the more he likes to be close to him.He seems to be very fierce towards Gu Lingmo, but Ji Ruo knows that Gu Nuoxian really likes Gu Lingmo from the bottom of his heart.

"He didn't mean to yell at you today, Momo must have been frightened."

Gu Nuoxian hummed a monosyllabic word from his nose, and felt less uncomfortable.

"If you can, please praise him more in the future. Momo knows that he is different from other children. He is actually very sensitive and inferior in his heart. If you blindly belittle him, he will develop a subconscious, I am less conscious than others. This is not good, Gu Nuoxian, that kid Momo is actually very good, from now on, praise him more." Ji Ruo said hesitantly, she was not sure if Gu Nuoxian would Listen to her words.

Gu Nuoxian lazily hummed, and said, "Sleep."

Ji Ruo sighed, it seems that the relationship between Gu Nuoxian and Gu Lingmo still needs to be adjusted.


In the morning, Gu Nuoxian leaned on the recliner and enjoyed the bath.

Gu Lingmo walked towards him hesitantly, and handed him a fresh coconut.

"Daddy... Daddy, do you drink coconut juice?" Gu Lingmo whispered.Gu Nuoxian opened his eyes, he took off his sunglasses, and looked sideways at Gu Lingmo.The child lowered his head, with a straw stuck in the coconut juice in his arms.

He didn't speak.

"Eric, this coconut juice is peeled and punched by your son himself. If you don't drink it, it will be a waste of his hard work." Xu Mo'an reminded at the right time.A trace of surprise flashed across Gu Nuoxian's indifferent eyes, and he glanced at Gu Lingmo's hands.

The child's chubby hands were a little red.

Coconuts are not easy to peel. His hands are small and weak. How long did it take him to get one out?A softness flashed across Gu Nuoxian's heart. He stared at Gu Lingmo's head and ordered, "Raise your head!"

Gu Lingmo raised his head obediently, his eyes were slightly red, and he was about to cry again.

Gu Nuoxian frowned, "Why are you crying?"

Gu Lingmo pursed her mouth and whispered, "Daddy, don't be angry, okay? Momo... Momo didn't mean to yell at you." Gu Lingmo carefully handed the coconut juice to Gu Nuoxian, "Daddy, can you forgive me, Momo?"

Gu Nuoxian looked at him silently and didn't speak for a while.Ji Ruo came over and kicked Gu Nuoxian's bare foot. "Gu Nuoxian, drink!"

Gu Nuoxian pursed his lips, but still took the coconut, he took a sip from the straw, then pursed his lips, and said a little uncomfortable: "Good job." He praised him sternly, looking a little stiff, but this It didn't affect Gu Lingmo's reaction when he heard this.

Gu Lingmo was stunned for a long time, this was the first time his father praised him!

Gu Lingmo looked at Gu Nuoxian, then looked at Ji Ruo excitedly, and Ji Ruo gave him a thumbs up.Gu Lingmo chuckled and grinned, then ran away to get himself a coconut.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the child who seemed particularly happy because of his compliment, and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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