Chapter 593 The Flower of Death Takes the Blame (1)
After dinner, several people sat in the garden of the villa, blowing the sea breeze and watching the stars.Gu Nuoxian took out three air tickets and handed them to Xu Mo'an. "This time I'm here, I'm going to have fun. Here's the ticket I prepared for you, Mo'an, take Song Yu and Gu Lingmo to Sydney city tomorrow."

Xu Moan thought for a while, then took the ticket.He scanned the tickets and saw that there were only three, so he asked, "Aren't you coming with us? Are there other arrangements?"

"Yeah." Gu Nuoxian glanced at Gu Lingmo, who was already asleep in Ji Ruo's arms, and his eyebrows were slightly worried: "Let him be taken by you for a few days, and I will finish things with Ruoruo , we will meet again at Perth International Airport."

"That's Western Australia." Perth and Sydney, one in the westernmost part of Australia and the other in the easternmost part of Australia.The two places are far apart. "What are you two going to do?"

Gu Nuoxian didn't speak, and didn't want to tell more.

"Master Nuo, do you have any activities alone?" Song Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You should tell me in advance so that I can arrange someone to take care of you. You know better than anyone else that it is not a good idea to act alone." Song Yu thought, Always a matter of personal safety.

"I'll go with you." As Gu Nuoxian's personal bodyguard, Song Yu really couldn't let them go alone.

"No need." Gu Nuoxian responded very simply. "Don't worry, you just help me look after this idiot, the place we are going to is only suitable for traveling alone."

"Ruoruo, let's go!" Gu Nuoxian stood up from the recliner and stretched out a hand to Ji Ruo.Ji Ruo put Gu Lingmo in Song Yu's arms, and then left holding hands with him. "Are you going to leave now?" Xu Mo'an finally said, "It's getting dark, why don't you leave before dawn?"

Gu Nuoxian turned his head, glanced at the two people, and gave them a reassuring look.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine."

The couple joined hands and left the city in the night.


An hour later, Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian arrived at their destination.

Australia's capital, Canberra.

This is a beautiful city with a developed economy and a slow pace of life for the people.

Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian played in the city for two days, and the third night was the time for them to act.

The black supercar passed through the bustling city street corner in the night, and finally stopped in front of a forest behind Lake Griffin.After turning off the car, Gu Nuoxian turned on the interior lights and took out a map from his coat pocket.

"The three brothers of the Lyle Consortium live in the same manor as the old president of the Lyle Consortium. The old president lives in the main house on the southwest corner, the eldest Rick and his wife Alyssa live in the villa on the east, and the second brother Carlisle I live in a conjoined double-detached villa in the south, and Jeff, the third handicapped elder, lives in the most remote yard in the west."

"I ordered people to investigate this place earlier. In this manor, the security measures around the house of the old president and boss Rick are the strictest. According to the report, Carlisle's villa has the best protection work, because he is most afraid of death. The most rudimentary one is Jeff's villa, but," Gu Nuoxian drew a circle around Jeff's yard with a black marker in his hand, dotted on the map with the tip of his pen, and said solemnly:
"Half a month ago, a mysterious person broke into Jeff's yard to steal something, but was hit on the right arm by Jeff's bodyguards, but the sneak attacker was so powerful that he managed to escape with his own ability. , the sneak attacker was very powerful, but he still failed in the end, so it can be seen that Jeff's real situation is not as weak as he appears on the surface."

(End of this chapter)

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