S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 600 Don't Touch Me You Look So Ugly

Chapter 600 Don’t Touch Me You Look So Ugly (2)
"Leave the disguise to Ruoruo, her disguise technique is better than ours."

Gu Nuoxian thought of the first two times he met Ji Ruo, she was always wearing a mask, so it shouldn't be hard for her to change her face.

Ji Ruo probably also thought of the first two encounters, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Song Yu knew what was going on, but he didn't say much. Xu Mo'an had never been a talkative person, and he didn't get to the bottom of it.The car drove on the road for forty minutes before arriving at the beach.

Ji Ruo opened her bag and took out a black wooden box from it.

Inside the wooden box lay several masks with a texture similar to human skin.

"Brother Xu, this is yours."

Ji Ruo handed Xu Mo'an a mask that looked over 60 years old.Xu Mo'an took it, touched it, and his complexion changed a little. "The material is good, it's actually made of human skin." He glanced at Ji Ruo playfully, the deep meaning in his eyes should not be too obvious.

Ji Ruo didn't explain much, and handed one to Song Yu and Gu Nuoxian respectively.

"Just drop this glue on the mask and spread it evenly on the face." Ji Ruo took out two small bottles of crystal clear liquid. "Remember, the effect of this glue can only last for one day. We must contact backup within this day and leave the ship as soon as possible. Once the mask falls off and someone finds out and reports our location, it will be difficult for us to get out."

Several people nodded and dripped glue on the mask according to what Ji Ruo said.

After Song Yu helped Xu Mo'an put on the mask, he stared at his wrinkled face for a few seconds in a daze.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Mo'an stared at Song Yu in confusion.

Song Yu stretched out his fingers and touched Xu Mo'an's face, his movements were gentle.Xu Mo'an was taken aback for a moment, his deep blue eyes filled with tenderness and warmth.Song Yu squinted his eyes and asked him: "Brother, you really look decades older." The moment Xu Mo'an put on the mask, his whole figure became hunched.

At first glance, it does seem to be several decades older.

After getting acquainted with his handsome face, Song Yu couldn't accept his old mottled appearance for a while.

Xu Mo'an's eyes changed, and he said to him: "Don't worry, I will look much better when I get old."

Song Yu nodded, and regained his indifference.

"Come on, I'll put it on for you." Xu Mo'an approached Song Yu with his upper body, pressed his fingertips along Song Yu's eyebrows, and put the young stranger's leather mask on his face.Song Yu's mask is not handsome, but delicate.

With a new handsome face, he looked less cold, but he was still indifferent and difficult to approach.


"Momo, follow me obediently, don't get lost." Before getting out of the car, Ji Ruo approached Gu Lingmo's ear and whispered.Gu Lingmo stared at a group of strange and funny people after passing through the disguise in a carriage, and asked Ji Ruo strangely: "Mommy, what are you doing?"

"play games!"

"Then Momo, can you participate too?"

Ji Ruo was about to shake his head, but Gu Nuoxian suddenly approached him and said, "Yes, but you must follow the rules of the game."

Gu Lingmo blinked and asked him, "What rule?"

"From now on, throughout the day, you must act as a mute. Remember, you only know your mommy, not us, and you can't answer anyone who speaks to you. If you If you can play the role of the dumb well, then when you get home, I will allow you to video chat with your brother. How about it, do you want to participate?" At this time, Gu Nuoxian was like a big bad wolf, trying to lure the kind-hearted The lamb embarked on the road of crime.

(End of this chapter)

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