S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 601 Don't Touch Me You Look So Ugly

Chapter 601 Don’t Touch Me You Look So Ugly (3)
When Gu Lingmo heard that he could video chat with his brother, he nodded his head like knocking on a wooden fish!

"I want to! Mommy, Daddy, I want to participate in this game!"

Ji Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, after taking care of Gu Lingmo's time bomb, they would be able to leave Australia smoothly.Ji Ruo gave Gu Nuoxian an admiring look, and Gu Nuoxian smiled triumphantly.After more than an hour, someone sent five identity documents that did not exist at all, and a group of people got out of the car in batches and entered the dock to pass the security check.



The heavily armed special police extended their guns to block Ji Ruo's steps.

Ji Ruo tightened his hand, and Gu Lingmo hurriedly approached Ji Ruo, clinging to her body, and began to challenge his one-day mute status.

Ji Ruo pretended to be confused and looked at the special police, and asked, "What's wrong, sir?"

The special police looked at her suspiciously, and then at the child she was holding in her hand, the vigilance in his eyes became less. "Ma'am, please show your ID and cooperate with our inspection." Ji Ruo quickly took out the ID from his bag and handed it to the special police.

The special police looked at the ID photo, and then carefully looked at Ji Ruo's face. In the eyes of Europeans and Americans, most oriental women look alike.He glanced at it several times before returning the certificate to Ji Ruo.

"Are you ready, sir?" Ji Ruo put away his documents and asked the special police.

The special policeman didn't nod, he squatted down, and said to Gu Lingmo very slowly in English: "Little friend, can you let me see your backpack?" Behave more clearly.

Gu Lingmo opened his mouth, but what came out was: "Ah-ah..."

The special police officer was taken aback for a moment before looking up at Ji Ruo.Ji Ruo pulled Gu Lingmo into his arms, and said to the special police apologetically, "I'm sorry sir, my child can't speak."

Hearing this, a trace of regret flashed in the special policeman's eyes.

He touched Gu Lingmo's head, and his majestic and upright face suddenly softened a little. "I also have a six-year-old daughter, but unfortunately, she is also a deaf-mute." The special police patted Gu Lingmo on the shoulder, and said in the tone of treating a friend: "Friend, grow up strong, and be a person who can protect your mother." Mi man!"

Gu Lingmo turned his head to look at Ji Ruo in doubt.

Ji Ruo racked her brains to translate all the sign language she knew in her mind. After a few seconds, she raised her hands and made several gestures in a row.Gu Lingmo thought he was playing a game, his eyes lit up, and he nodded to the special police.

The special policeman grinned, stood up, and said to his colleagues, "They're fine, let them go!"

Under the focused eyes of the special police, Ji Ruo, mother and son boarded the boat holding hands.

"Huh!" Ji Ruo took a long breath, it was so dangerous, the flower of death was placed in Gu Lingmo's small backpack, luckily he was fooled.

The mother and son entered the cabin and found their own berths.

Gu Nuoxian and Xu Mo'an boarded the ship with a fake face and a fake ID.Passing by the corridor, Gu Nuoxian glanced at Ji Ruo, and Ji Ruo nodded to him, indicating that there is no problem.

Because he was following his father's instructions in his heart, Gu Lingmo had to act like he didn't know Gu Nuoxian and the others throughout the whole process.

Seeing Gu Nuoxian passing by the door of their room at this moment, Gu Lingmo's eyes just lit up, and he lowered his head to play with his Transformers.


The night breeze was blowing, Ji Ruo was lying on the bed, and could vaguely hear a few special police officers patrolling outside.

The Lyle Consortium is a well-known figure in Australia. Three members of a family died at the same time overnight. This is a sensational news in Australia.From eight o'clock this morning, the name of the international terrorist Eric began to appear frequently in the international news headlines.

(End of this chapter)

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