S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 602 Don't Touch Me You Look So Ugly

Chapter 602 Don’t Touch Me You Look So Ugly (4)
Regarding these, Gu Nuoxian didn't care about them.

He is now waiting for another thing to come.


02:30 in the middle of the night.

The entire ship fell asleep, and even the patrolling personnel began to lose their willpower, and their heads were a little dizzy.

At 35:[-], the captain suddenly found a ship with a black flag in the opposite sea area.At sea, there are very few ships with black flags. Once there are, it shows a fact——

There are pirates!
The deputy captain took out the binoculars, boarded the observation deck, and carefully looked at the oncoming ship on the opposite side.

On the flag hanging on the boat, a twig flower was embroidered with white silk thread, and under the twig flower was an upside-down human head.On the chin of the head, knives and guns were crossed, which made people feel creepy.

"All on alert, we are being attacked by pirates!"

The deputy captain picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled, and the crew, the special police, and the retired soldiers hired to escort woke up one after another.They walked to the deck with their guns in their hands, staring sternly at the pirate ship approaching slowly, and all of them stood ready.

The deputy captain ran into the communications room and sent a distress signal to the government.


The pirate ship sounded a long and long horn.

Gu Nuoxian, who was lying on the bed, immediately sat up, and at the same time, Song Yu and Xu Mo'an also got up and got out of bed.

The captain saw the pirate ship approaching his ship, and they all drew their guns, ready to fight each other.At this moment, the pirate ship drove to a position shoulder to shoulder with the ship, and a woman in black tights stepped onto the deck. The woman had an eye patch on her left eye, and her long red hair fluttered in the wind.

"Listen to me, everyone! My brothers haven't taken over a business for a long time. Tonight, we must return with a full reward!"

The woman's voice was cold and hoarse.

Behind her, rows of pirates yelled, looking like a group of demons and ghosts.

The captain gritted his teeth and shouted to the opposite side: "Wishful thinking! Some of us have guns, and we also have special police sent by the government! You are just a bunch of pirates, do you really think you are capable?" This is not the first time the captain has been attacked by pirates. Count pass.

The woman laughed loudly, and as soon as she waved her hand, someone waved the flag in her hand.Then, the cabin on the second floor rattled, and rows of rocket launchers protruded from the windows. "It's true that we are pirates, but we have rocket launchers. Do you still want to fight us?"

The captain's complexion changed, and his momentum suddenly became sluggish.

He took a step back and gave the mate a look.

The deputy captain shook his head and said helplessly, "Rescue will take at least three hours to arrive."

After the captain heard this, he felt infinitely desolate.

"We only want property! Just in case, we still need to take a few people as hostages! Captain Ike, I have to trouble you to cooperate with us!" The female boss was arrogant, but she had the capital of arrogance.

Captain Ike's face turned blue and white, and in the end, they were defeated after all.


"Everyone get up, come out! All gather on the deck!"

Someone fired a shot, and everyone on the boat woke up instantly.Ji Ruo opened her eyes suddenly, she hugged Gu Lingmo, carried her bag, and ran to the deck with the others.In the hustle and bustle, someone squeezed into Ji Ruo, Ji Ruo leaned over and almost fell.

"Be careful!" The deep voice was inexplicably reassuring.

Ji Ruo looked at Gu Nuoxian, and asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "What's going on?" Gu Nuoxian supported Ji Ruo's arm and walked to the deck, he said: "It's ours." Ji Ruo If you have a score in your heart, your footsteps will be a little firmer.

(End of this chapter)

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