S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 603 Don't Touch Me You Look So Ugly

Chapter 603 Don’t Touch Me You Look So Ugly (5)
There are about 600 people on the whole ship, and more than 600 people are crowded on the two decks, which is very crowded and noisy.

The pirates fired three shots in a row, and more than 600 people suddenly became honest.

Five or six people glanced at the people on the deck, they moved separately, stepped into the crowd, caught those people and looked carefully, and when they met those who looked unlucky, they lifted him up, "Go to our ship Go! Cooperate with me! Watch out for gunshots!"

The nominated person boarded the pirate ship with trembling legs under the gunpoint of the pirates.

"You! And you! Get the hell out of here!"

A gun was pressed against Ji Ruo's forehead, and Gu Lingmo held Ji Ruo's arm tightly, thinking in his heart, this game is really exciting.Ji Ruo wasn't sure where to look at Gu Nuoxian, Gu Nuoxian nodded towards her.

Ji Ruo made up her mind, she hugged Gu Lingmo and walked slowly towards the pirate ship.

The woman on the boat took a second look at Ji Ruo and the child in her arms, snorted coldly, and then looked away.

"And you! You! And the one in white, follow me to our boat!" Among the people who were named, there were Xu Mo'an, Song Yu, and Gu Nuoxian.In order to deceive others, they also arrested a few irrelevant people.

In all, fifteen people came to the pirate ship.

The captain looked at the 15 of them with a sad face, and lowered his head guiltily.

A woman started crying, and the pirate shot the man in the head.A group of people screamed in fright, and the pirate wanted to shoot and kill, so the group of people obediently fell silent.Gu Lingmo was a little surprised when he saw the woman lying on the ground.

He looked at Gu Nuoxian in surprise, his face turned pale.Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyebrows and ignored Gu Lingmo.

The little heart was startled fiercely. At this moment, Gu Lingmo finally understood that this was not a game, but a life-threatening one.

Covering Gu Lingmo's eyes with one hand, he knew it was Mommy.

Someone seized all the valuables of the passengers on the ship, and then left arrogantly with the hostages.


Three hours later, help arrived.

"Have you found all the information on the hostages taken away?"

The captain immediately handed over the information on the hostages to the police.

The police officer took a look, then frowned and asked, "Among the hostages taken away, how come there are most of the nationality of country C?" Among the fifteen people, there were eight people from country C, which is too unusual.

The captain was taken aback for a moment, and he recalled carefully before he remembered that most of the hostages those pirates were looking for were from country C or East Asians.

"Officer, what's the problem?"

The police officer was silent for a few seconds, and took out a few files that looked the cleanest but made people feel wrong. "You, send someone to check the information of these people immediately." The subordinate nodded and sent the information back to the Information Department.

Ten minutes later, people from the information department replied to them with an unexpected message.

"What did you say? These people's information is all fake!"

The police officer was startled, he stood up, his expression changed.

"Damn it! International terrorists escaped right under our noses!"

He took off his police cap and was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

The captain rolled his eyes and immediately understood the problem. "Officer, are you saying that the purpose of those pirates is not to steal property at all, but to rescue Eric, the number one international terrorist?" The captain looked surprised and suspicious, "Then...then Eric is on our ship!"

The captain thought about it carefully, and a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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