S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 604 Don't Touch Me You Look So Ugly

Chapter 604 Don’t Touch Me You Look So Ugly (6)
The police officer nodded silently, and a group of people stared blankly.At this time, the group of pirates didn't know where they went, even if they chased them, they couldn't catch them.


The ship moved slowly on the endless sea level.

The woman in black tights was leaning against the mast of the ship, with her right eye exposed, her gaze was cold and heartless.The woman glanced at the hostage, moved her slender and straight thighs, and came to the hostage.

She walked slowly, with long reddish hair dancing in the sea breeze.

Walking in front of Ji Ruo, the woman's right eye was full of thought.She lowered her eyes, at that moment, there was a touch of contempt and mockery in her eyes.But the mocking color was too light, and no one could see it clearly.The woman looked at Gu Lingmo with a pale face again. She knelt down and asked Gu Lingmo in Chinese: "Little friend, are you afraid?"

Gu Lingmo wanted to nod, but there seemed to be a hand pinching his waist behind him, and that hand was his mommy.Gu Lingmo endured it silently, and temporarily changed the word "fear" to: "Don't be afraid!"

The woman curled her lips and sneered, "Then I'll throw you into the sea, do you agree?"

Gu Lingmo glared at her with a vicious look: "Throw it away! My daddy knows how to avenge me!" He took small steps, straightened his chest, looked at the woman's beautiful cheek, and said coldly: " Humph! You look so ugly, don't touch me! After you touch me, my brother will think I'm dirty!"

Hearing this, the woman's complexion was a bit ugly.

Gu Nuoxian didn't say anything, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.Xu Mo'an touched Gu Nuoxian with his arm, as if to say, your bastard is really kind.In fact, it's not that Gu Lingmo has a feeling, but he has a premonition in his heart. If he doesn't say that, Mommy seems to be angry.

For some reason, Ji Ruo hated this woman very much.

The woman was silent for a few seconds before standing up.She took off the blindfold and nodded respectfully to Gu Nuoxian. "Boss, we are late and you have suffered." Gu Nuoxian snorted coldly, glanced at the woman casually, and said, "Lucika, land as soon as possible, we will take the plane instead."

Lucica's beautiful light blue eyes flickered, and she said, "Obey!"

Lucica saluted Xu Mo'an and Song Yu again, then went to the cockpit, and connected to find someone to arrange the plane.

Ji Ruo looked at Lucica's back, and suddenly said in a strange tone: "Yo, your subordinate is quite beautiful." Gu Nuoxian was taken aback when he heard this, then he looked at Ji Ruo in surprise, Something strange is flickering inside.

"Xiaoyu, do you smell a sour smell?" Xu Mo'an pretended to be exaggerated, and swept his hand in front of his nose.

Song Yu rolled his eyes at Xu Mo'an, and entered the cabin in silence.

Gu Lingmo grabbed Gu Nuoxian's hand, and asked without backbone: "Daddy, where is the toilet, I can't hold it in anymore!" It was completely unbearable for a while.

Gu Nuoxian scorned Gu Lingmo again, and then said to Ji Ruo: "Ruoruo, take him to the toilet, you guys go to sleep first, and I'll call you when the plane arrives."

"it is good."

Ji Ruo carried Gu Lingmo to the cabin.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at the group of kidnapped hostages. The group of hostages were confused and did not understand what the current situation meant.

"Tank, let them go!"

Tank is a young guy in his twenties, he was a little surprised when he heard Gu Nuoxian's words. "Just let it go?"


"That's fine."

Tank ordered someone to release a small yacht, and he took his brothers to send several hostages to the yacht. "Whether you can survive or not, you should ask for blessings!" Tank returned to the deck, he stared at the corpse for a few times, and asked, "How to deal with this corpse?"

"Throw it away." Gu Nuoxian's tone was light, as if to say that the steak tonight tastes just right.

Tank muttered something inhumane, but obediently bent over to pick up the body and threw it into the sea.

The blood spread in the sea, and after a while, a group of sharks rushed over and bit the corpse to pieces.Gu Nuoxian watched indifferently, without much expression. "You keep watch, I'll go rest."


Gu Nuoxian entered the cabin, but did not go to Ji Ruo immediately.

He went to the cockpit and found Lucica.

Lucica was standing with the captain, watching the movement on the sea.Gu Nuoxian looked at Lucica with more thought in his eyes.Lucica turned around and saw Gu Nuoxian suddenly, she was startled.

She came back to her senses, put away the admiration in her eyes, and then said respectfully: "Chief, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Nuoxian stared at Lucica's charming but masculine face, and asked: "Lucika, how many years have you been with my DS?" Lucica was taken aback, she thought for a while, Cai said: "I entered DS and entered special training when I was ten years old. Counting it, it has been 18 years."

"18 years?"

Gu Nuoxian frowned and thought for a while, then he had a new idea in his heart.

"You have been running all over the country for these years, are you tired?"

Lucica's face changed, "Not tired! Serving the organization, I will never be tired." Lucica knelt down on her knees, she looked up at Gu Nuoxian stubbornly, and asked in confusion, "Boss, is it Lucy?" What did the card do wrong that made you dissatisfied? You clearly stated that I will correct it next time and will never make another mistake! DS is my home, and I cannot leave it!"

"You misunderstood, I'm not going to lay you off."

Gu Nuoxian casually picked up the Queen piece on the chessboard and played it in the palm of his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.Lucica never bothered him when he was thinking.After several seconds, Gu Nuoxian dropped the Queen chess piece, and the chess piece fell, breaking up all the chess pieces.

"Lucika, I transferred you to work in City C, how about it?"

Hearing this, Lucica was taken aback.

Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she transferred to City C. Was it closer to the leader? "Okay! It's my honor to serve the leader in front of and behind me!" Lucica replied very simply.Gu Nuoxian squinted her eyes, but did not agree with her words.

"You're mistaken, I don't want you to do things for me, I want you..."

Lucica looked at him in surprise, waiting for the next word.

"Being Ji Ruo's personal bodyguard."

(End of this chapter)

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