S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 605 Do You Know a Girl named Lai Yaruo?

Chapter 605 Do you know a girl named Lai Yaruo (2)
Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Lucica a few more times before she missed her entering the villa.

Gu Nuoxian had just finished his morning exercise. He had already taken a shower, changed into a formal suit and sat on the dining table, waiting for Ji Ruo to come back.

The moment Ji Ruo stepped into the room, Gu Nuoxian raised his head as if in response.He hooked his lips and smiled faintly at her. His indifferent face was filled with doting and warmth.Ji Ruo returned his rather gentle smile, she wiped off her sweat, walked to the dining table and sat down.

Poured a cup of fresh milk for each of the three, Ji Ruo supervised Gu Lingmo to drink it, and then asked Gu Nuoxian: "Why don't you explain to me about Lucica?"

Gu Nuoxian stopped eating.

He turned his head, glanced at the lawn outside the restaurant, looked at Lucica around him with serious eyes and vigilance, and said in a formulaic voice: "It's nothing, it's just that there have been too many things recently, I don't worry about you going out alone. Here you are Send a personal bodyguard, I feel at ease."

Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows, and said something out of character, "I don't like her."

Now, it was Gu Nuoxian's turn to be surprised.

He tilted his head to look at Ji Ruo, held her hand with one hand, and asked, "Why?" There was a little starlight in his eyes, as if he had caught Ji Ruo's pigtails, a little proud and a little secretly happy.

Ji Ruo took a sip of milk, she was silent for a while, and replied, "I don't like the way she looks at me."

"How to say?"

"She is very hostile to me. Gu Nuoxian, can someone else be my bodyguard?" Ji Ruo's apricot eyes showed a hint of discussion.Gu Nuoxian stared at her for a long time, and finally said: "I can change it for you, but it will take a while. Recently, people in the organization are out on missions, and there is no female subordinate who I can rest assured can protect you."

"It must be a woman?" Ji Ruo rolled her eyes.

Gu Nuoxian smiled elegantly, with domineering and strong possessiveness appearing in his unruly brows and eyes. "Ruo Ruo, don't think too much, no man can get too close to you except me."

Ji Ruo was helpless, and finally the two reached an agreement.

It is tentatively decided that Lucica will be Ji Ruo's personal bodyguard, and when the others come back from their missions, they will change bodyguards for Ji Ruo.


The next day, Ji Ruo took Gu Lingmo to play in the Children's Paradise, and the mother and son had dinner near GA International at noon.After eating, the mother and son packed the same dishes and sent them to Gu Nuoxian's company, but they were told by the front desk that Gu Nuoxian had a dinner with Guangda Bank's boss Lin Mao'an this afternoon and had already gone out.

Helpless, Ji Ruo had no choice but to leave the food in the office refrigerator, and then took Gu Lingmo home together.

Ji Ruo was about to take a lunch break at noon, but received a call from Naiyazi.

"what's up?"

Naiyazi seemed to be driving. When she heard Ji Ruo's reply, she said: "Miss Ji, you have no new film and television drama arrangements recently. Magazine advertisements and announcement invitations keep coming to your door. I looked at the invitation records and thought there was something wrong with them. A clothing endorsement is in line with your temperament. If you are free now, we can go directly to the studio to shoot the advertisement."

Ji Ruo looked at the time and thought that he would be fine in the afternoon, so he agreed.

She changed into a long black chiffon dress and a short black leather jacket on her upper body.Wearing a white hat on her head, her long hair gently draped over her shoulders, Ji Ruo put on light makeup again, and then went downstairs to the road at the entrance of the villa, waiting for Naiyazi to pick her up.

In five or six minutes, Naiyazi arrived at the villa in time.

"Miss Ji, get in the car!"

Naiyazi took a closer look at Ji Ruo's attire, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. "The skirt and the leather jacket are the latest models that T-R just launched this year. The courtesy is last season's fashion week. The main accessories at the T-R show. The shoes are Chanel. Your matching is very good, which fits T-R very well. Request." Having known Ji Ruo for a long time, Naiyazi also understands that Ji Ruo is really serious about his work.

(End of this chapter)

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