S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 610 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me

Chapter 610 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me (1)
Putting Gu Nuoxian down on the sofa, and put a pillow under his head, Ji Ruo ran to the restaurant, opened the refrigerator door to get water for drinking, only to find that there was no cold boiled water at home.

Because of what Lucica said, Ji Ruo was in a state of panic and helplessness.

As soon as she panicked, her limbs felt a little weak, her mouth and throat were dry, and she desperately needed water to moisturize her.

There was no cold boiled water, so Ji Ruo took a cup of cold water directly, raised his head and gulped it down. "Huh!" The cup left her mouth, and Ji Ruo leaned against the refrigerator door to gasp for air. She felt that what she drank was not water, but a cold knife.

The ice knife slid all the way down her abdomen, cutting her mouth and throat completely.

The beads of sweat on his forehead grew bigger one by one, and then all flowed down Ji Ruo's cheeks and into his neck.Looking at the few white street lamps on the lawn outside the restaurant window, Ji Ruo felt confused.You have to believe Lucica's words, and you can't believe them all.

She wanted to comfort herself that it was Lu Xika's jealousy, and she resorted to severance.

But Ji Ruo knew better that there was a thorn in her heart.

She felt it more than once. Gu Nuoxian often looked into her eyes in a daze. She once asked him who he really loved.But every time, he would tell her tenderly that the one he loves is her.

But is it really her?

Ji Ruo was suspicious of this.

What is there in that room?Who is the 'she' he was talking about?
"Ruo Ruo..."

At this time, Gu Nuoxian's raving sound came from the living room again, and in this silent night, Ji Ruo's bones shivered.

She listened carefully, but did not hear Gu Nuoxian speak again, Ji Ruocai let out a sigh of relief.

She really didn't know how to face Gu Nuoxian.

He bent over to take a glass of water and drank it. Ji Ruo sat alone at the restaurant table for a long time, keeping his back straight all the time, without saying a word.Sleeping in an uncomfortable position, Gu Nuoxian fell asleep halfway through, he struggled to sit up, leaned on the sofa and meditated for a few seconds, and then remembered that he was back.

He glanced around the room, and was quite surprised that he didn't see Ji Ruo in the living room.Getting up and walking to the living room, Gu Nuoxian saw Ji Ruo sitting at the dining table keeping his posture unchanged.

"Ruoruo? Why are you sitting here?"

Gu Nuoxian walked to the dining table with false steps, and hugged Ji Ruo in his arms. "Why are you so cold?" Ji Ruolu's hands outside the sleeves of the leather jacket were icy cold.Worry flashed across Gu Nuoxian's heart, and even the drowsiness slipped away completely.

The embrace behind her was as cool and generous as ever.

In the past, this embrace gave her the most sense of security, but this time, Ji Ruo lost all consciousness for the first time in his embrace.Sensing Ji Ruo's strange silence, Gu Nuoxian squatted down, put his hands on Ji Ruo's legs, wrapped Ji Ruo's hands with his palms, looked up at her, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?" ?”

In the darkness, Ji Ruo's almond eyes were shining brightly.

If she didn't answer, Gu Nuoxian easily lost his mind.

"Did I drink too much tonight and made you angry?" Gu Nuoxian's tone was inexplicably cautious.

A pair of red lips squirmed a few times, Ji Ruo stared at Gu Nuoxian's cold Ruifeng eyes, and she asked again: "Gu Nuoxian, who are you in love with?" Talk to yourself.

Gu Nuoxian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.He raised his right hand and patted Ji Ruo's head hesitantly. "Of course it's you."

I love no one but you.

(End of this chapter)

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