S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 611 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me

Chapter 611 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me (2)
I have almost lost the ability to love other people.

Gu Nuoxian's heart is full of only Ji Ruo.

"Really?" Ji Ruo grinned, the corners of her mouth curled up, making Gu Nuoxian feel a sense of desolation.He frowned, not understanding why Ji Ruo had such a reaction.He wanted to ask what happened to Ji Ruo, but Ji Ruo stood up at this moment.

"Are you hungry? You probably didn't eat much at night, how about I make you a bowl of fresh shrimp porridge?"

When Ji Ruo said this, Gu Nuoxian suddenly felt that his stomach was empty, and he was really hungry.

"It's so late, you're tired too, let's forget it." Although he really wanted to drink the porridge made by Ji Ruo himself, he was even more reluctant to let Ji Ruo be tired.His thoughtfulness makes Ji Ruo feel sad. "Not tired, just go and lie down on the sofa for a while, and I'll call you when I'm done."

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian's heart was filled with honey, and he was very happy.


He took off his suit jacket, walked back to the living room, and fell asleep.


Ji Ruo cut the ginger into shreds, his hands were slightly stiff.

The blade cut on the cutting board again and again, and she sliced ​​two or three slices of ginger thinly and evenly.The rice porridge was bubbling in the pot, Ji Ruo stood behind the kitchen counter, staring out the window, lost in thought.

She originally wanted to question Gu Nuoxian, who did he think of her as?

Does he really love her, or is he just using her as a substitute for Lai Yaruo.

But when it came to the mouth, it was finally broken up by Gu Nuoxian's light smile and a few movements.Ji Ruo thinks that she is also a decisive person, but her determination seems so defeated in front of this love.

All the questioning and panic are thrown away in the face of love and heartbeat.

Smelling a slight burnt smell, Gu Nuoxian suddenly opened his eyes and yelled to the kitchen: "Ruoruo, is the porridge burnt?" Knowing that the lid was too hot, she accidentally burned two blisters on her index finger and thumb.


Ji Ruo let out a breath of cool air, and the hot pot lid fell to the edge of the kitchen counter, and then rolled to the ground, making a crackling sound.

Gu Nuoxian was like a phantom, flashing to her side in the blink of an eye. "Injured?" He held Ji Ruo's hand and passed her hand under the faucet.

The gurgling water dripped down, and Ji Ruogang's still uncomfortable fingers seemed to be painless in an instant. "Be careful in the future. When you take off the lid of the pot, you must wrap it in a towel. Don't be careless." Ji Ruo listened to him talking, her eyes were fixed on the lines of Gu Nuoxian's handsome face.

When he talks, it's really intoxicating.

Gu Nuoxian turned off the faucet, put Ji Ruo's fingers in front of his eyes and looked carefully, "It's blistering, wait, I'll get you the burn ointment." Gu Nuoxian raised his head before he finished speaking, and Ji Ruo had no time to look away , the two looked at each other, one with panic and embarrassment, and the other with cold eyes brighter than stars.

Catching Ji Ruo peeking at him made Gu Nuoxian even more happy than winning the jackpot.

He pursed his lips and smiled, before he lowered his head and kissed Ji Ruo's finger. "Wait." Gu Nuoxian let go of Ji Ruo's hand, turned around and prepared to go upstairs to get the medicine.

"Gu Nuoxian!"

Ji Ruo stopped him suddenly, with a very reluctant tone.

Gu Nuoxian heard a sense of helplessness from her tone.His footsteps stopped abruptly, Gu Nuoxian turned around, looking at Ji Ruo with probing eyes. "What's the matter with you?" Ji Ruoxing blinked and blinked, she suppressed the sourness in her heart, and asked, "Can I hug you?" , although very dim, Gu Nuoxian still captured it.

(End of this chapter)

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