S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 612 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me

Chapter 612 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me (5)
The girl in his painting is not her.

Ji Ruo searched along the girl's facial features with distressed eyes, and when her gaze met the girl's clear and cold almond eyes, Ji Ruo was stunned.Ji Ruo almost fell to the ground when her legs gave way.

She couldn't believe that she had the same cold almond eyes as the person in Gu Nuoxian's painting.

"Miss Ji, you probably don't know that the leader once had a girl whom he loved for nearly 20 years."

"And that girl is called Lai Yaruo!"

"To tell you the truth, the reason why the leader chose you is because you are similar to Laiyaruo in many aspects. It's just because you both have the word Ruo in your name!"

Lucica's words were like a magic sound, replayed repeatedly in Ji Ruo's mind.

At this moment, she couldn't even deceive herself.

Ji Ruo didn't know how to stand still, but she still had the strength and determination to look at the painting carefully again.Moving down again, Ji Ruo's gaze landed on the lower right corner of the drawing paper, where there were words written by Gu Nuoxian with a pen——


Gift: My favorite girl - Lai Yaruo. 25 years old, happy birthday.

The signing date is May 2035, 5.

When those two rows of small characters spit out from between Ji Ruoliang's lips, no one could feel her heartache.She stared blankly at the English sentence, and the big tears suddenly rolled down one by one, uncontrollably.

"I love you more than yesterday, but a little less than the light..." Ji Ruo's eyes were covered with mist, she looked at Lai Yaruo's eyebrows and eyes that were somewhat similar to hers, and couldn't help but muttered: " You have been in love for twenty years, so what am I?"

Is it a third party?

A thief who stole Gu Nuoxian's feelings?
Or...just a stand-in?
Ji Ruo lifted the other flannels, and it was no surprise that there was a painting hidden under each flannel.There are eighteen paintings in total, starting from the age of seven to 25.Ji Ruo finally understood why Gu Nuoxian valued the painting she stole back then.

It turned out that she, a thief, stole the person he cared about most.

Ji Ruo touched the teardrops, and suddenly laughed like a maniac.

She laughed, laughed wildly, but burst into heart-burning tears one after another.


The door was closed, and Ji Ruo walked out of the house. From now on, she would never participate in his relationship with Lai Yaruo again.If she is not a lowly person, she has not been trampled enough to be a substitute for someone.

When Ji Ruo passed the corridor, he unexpectedly saw Gu Lingmo.

The little guy was leaning against the door, squinting at Ji Ruo, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Ji Ruo was startled when she saw him, then she hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, then knelt down and asked Gu Lingmo, "Momo, why are you still up?" Ji Ruo's voice was hoarse after crying.

Gu Lingmo rubbed his eyes, he hugged Mummy, and replied in a daze, "Mummy, why are you crying?" He was woken up by Ji Ruo's crying.Ji Ruo's heart ached, she touched the back of Gu Lingmo's head, "Did Mommy disturb you?"

"No," Gu Lingmo barely narrowed his eyes, wiped the corners of Ji Ruo's wet eyes with his small hands, and said, "Mummy, why are you crying?"

"Mommy isn't crying, but Mommy is laughing. You heard me wrong."

Confusion flashed in Gu Lingmo's eyes, "Really?" Why did he feel that Mummy was crying instead of laughing?
(End of this chapter)

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