S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 613 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me

Chapter 613 Gu Nuoxian Says You Love Me (6)
Ji Ruo has been stroking Gu Lingmo's hair with one hand, she sniffed lightly, and then said to Gu Lingmo seriously: "Momo, Mommy is going on a business trip for a while, and Daddy wakes up tomorrow morning, you must Tell him, don't forget to water the flowers, remember?"

Gu Lingmo's delicate face frowned, a little puzzled. "Mummy, why didn't you tell, Daddy?"

Ji Ruo lowered his eyebrows and did not answer.

"Okay, it's late, Momo go to bed quickly."

Gu Lingmo hummed, then stepped on the carpet and climbed onto the bed, and fell asleep after a while.Ji Ruo covered him with the quilt before going downstairs lightly.


In the early morning of the next day, Gu Nuoxian woke up and didn't see Ji Ruo, thinking she had gone to work.

He didn't think much, and continued to exercise for more than an hour before going to the dining table and sitting down.After a while, Gu Lingmo went downstairs in a small suit and tie. "Daddy, good morning." Gu Lingmo climbed up on the stool and finished. He glanced at the dining table, but he didn't see Ji Ruo, so he was sure that the scene he saw Ji Ruo last night was real, not a dream.

"Mommy has gone to work, don't look for her anymore."

Gu Nuoxian personally poured Gu Lingmo a glass of milk and said to him.

Gu Lingmo stared, he put down the milk cup, looked at Gu Nuoxian, and asked in surprise, "Daddy, Mommy didn't tell you that she's going on a business trip today?"

Gu Nuoxian shook his hand, and the milk spilled all over the table.

He put down the cup, didn't care about wiping his hands and the table, but turned his head to look at Gu Lingmo, and asked in a cold voice: "Who told you that Mommy is going on a business trip?" Why didn't he know?
"Last night, Mommy came from the pool room, and I heard her crying."

"I asked her why she was crying, but Mommy didn't tell me, so she said she was going on a business trip for a while." Gu Lingmo took a sip of milk, smacked her little mouth, and then said, "By the way, Mommy called me, Let me tell you, don't forget to water the flowers."

As soon as Gu Lingmo spoke, Gu Nuoxian's expression changed.

He stood up suddenly and ran up to the fourth floor.Gu Nuoxian pressed the password, and the password passed.When he walked into the room, he saw that the velvet covering the canvas in the room had been moved, and his expression changed immediately.

"Damn! Big misunderstanding!"

As soon as he closed the door, he couldn't help turning back and kicking the door.

"Ah! President, you kicked Xiao An'an so painfully!" On the gate, Xiao An'an's influence appeared.The small potato-shaped face was wrinkled, and three black lines slid across the forehead, indicating that it was in pain.Gu Nuoxian stared at little An'an, and asked it: "Someone opened the door and entered the house last night, why didn't you tell me?"

"You are wronged, CEO! I have notified you, if you don't believe me, check your phone."

Gu Nuoxian opened the phone and saw that there was a system reminder text message from Xiao An'an.He checked the time and found that it was past two o'clock in the morning.At that time, he had just fallen asleep not long ago. "How did Ji Ruo know the password?"

Gu Nuoxian looked at Xiao An'an suspiciously, suspecting that Xiao An'an had betrayed him.

Xiao An'an raised her hands, screaming for innocence. "I really didn't betray the president. My wife entered the correct password once, so I can't blame Xiao An'an!" Xiao An'an made a fake cry, and Gu Nuoxian felt agitated when he heard it cry.

"To shut up!"

He kicked Xiao An'an again, and then dialed Ji Ruo's phone.

The answer to him, no accident, was the sound of shutting down the phone.

Realizing that Ji Ruo must have misunderstood, Gu Nuoxian hurriedly called Song Yu to check Ji Ruo's whereabouts. Not long after, Song Yu called and replied that Ji Ruo had already flown away on the earliest flight today. In country M, Naiyazi is also on the same side.

"Country M? What is she going there for?" Gu Nuoxian was a little puzzled, even if Ji Ruo was sad, she would not do such a thing as running away.

"Oh, I heard it's an audition."

"Audition? Audition for what movie?"

"It's the big-budget movie "The Last Man" that Director Thompson is about to start shooting. Madam didn't tell you?" Song Yu was also confused at this moment. He obviously noticed that there was a problem between Mr. Nuo and his wife, otherwise Madam You won't leave the country without saying hello.

Gu Nuoxian's face darkened, Ji Ruo was going to film in country M, he disagreed with this.

But last night, he vaguely seemed to have said that if he likes it, he will continue to shoot this kind of words... "Book me a plane ticket to country M, the sooner the better!" Gu Nuoxian had a hunch that if Ji Ruo didn't find Ji Ruo as soon as possible , things may change.


Sitting in the airport, the anxiety in Gu Nuoxian's heart calmed down.

He thought of Ji Ruo's abnormal performance last night, and the scene of being tricked by her in his dream, and he couldn't help but guess who gave Ji Ruo the wind.Someone must be causing trouble, otherwise Ji Ruo wouldn't suddenly think of opening the password room.

He glanced at Song Yu, and suddenly asked, "Where is Lucica?" He had to doubt Lucica.

Only Xu Moan, Song Yu and Lucica knew about those past events and had contact with Ji Ruo. Both Xu Moan and Song Yu knew that Ji Ruo was Laiyaruo, so the only possibility was that Out of Lucica.

Gu Nuoxian naturally felt that Lucica had admiration for her.

A woman's jealousy is the most complicated and cruel.

Not sure, she said something to Ji Ruo.

"At this point, she is probably training in the branch." Just as Song Yu had finished speaking, Gu Nuoxian's cell phone rang suddenly.He took out his phone and looked at it, surprise flashed in his eyes.Uncle Song... He frowned and thought for a while before he remembered that this Uncle Song was the neighbor next to Ji Pulin's house.

Seeing this number, Gu Nuoxian suddenly felt uneasy.

"Hello, I'm Gu Nuoxian."

As soon as Gu Nuoxian connected the phone, an excited old man's voice sounded on the other end: "Hey! Son-in-law of the Ji family! Are you busy now? Lao Ji was fixing locks for someone just now, and suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't get up No matter how much we yelled, he still didn’t respond. We’ve already called an ambulance to take him to the hospital, but Ah Ruo couldn’t get through the phone, can you spare some time to come over as soon as possible?”

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian's expression changed again.

"Which hospital did you send your father-in-law to?"

"Central Hospital!"

(End of this chapter)

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