Chapter 617
The car door was pushed open, and the man who came out was a man with light brown shoulder-length hair and handsome and unfamiliar facial features.The man walked into the long alley and finally stopped in front of two wooden gates.


There was a regular knock on the door.

Once twice, twice in a row.

The house was quiet for a few seconds before there was the sound of the crutches hitting the ground, the crutches hitting the stone slabs, the sound was crisp and inexplicably heart-wrenching. "Who is knocking on the door?" The brown-haired man heard a hoarse old man's voice.

The old man's voice was like rusty scrap iron rubbing against sandpaper, that voice was very disturbing.The brown-haired man pursed his lips, and then said: "Passing by, I want to ask your old man for a drink of honey water."

The door opened slowly, revealing the figure of a frail old man.The old man was leaning on a cane, and his white hair was exaggerated.It doesn't match his appearance, he has a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon, when he looks at people, it's like two ice skates, which hurt people.

"Sir, please come in."

The old man moved away, made a welcome gesture to the brown-haired man, and said.

The brown-haired man nodded, walked into the courtyard with his slender legs.The door slowly closed behind the brown-haired man.As soon as it was closed, the man's easy-going demeanor suddenly became fierce and reckless.

"He Bo, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?" Gu Nuoxian sat in the courtyard and poured himself a cup of honey tea. He drank it elegantly and asked casually.He He sat opposite to Gu Nuoxian, and he responded, "It's the same as before, it's alright!"

"Boss, what's the purpose of your visit this time?" The old man changed from his previous indifference, and his whole body was covered with a layer of kindness.

He is amiable, just like a grandfather treats his grandson.Gu Nuoxian put down the cup, fingers still stroking around the edge of the cup. "I've come to get something."

"Oh? What?"


He He's complexion changed, "The leader's condition is going to explode?"

Gu Nuoxian shook his head slowly.

"Then why are you taking the antidote now?"

"It's another person, Ji Gong who was infected with the virus with me back then. He is my lover's adoptive father. His illness suddenly broke out today. I took the antidote for him." Gu Nuoxian's tone was light, as if I don't worry about what to do if I get sick in the future.

He He was in doubt, Gu Nuoxian's decision, they never had any reason to disobey.

"Then. Then, what should you do in the future?" Gu Nuoxian's condition has always been a hidden danger.

Gu Nuoxian smiled lightly, "Uncle He, don't worry, Mr. Ji Xuan has great powers, he will find a solution." Gu Nuoxian stood up after drinking a cup of honey tea, and walked to the inner room.In less than half a minute, he walked out holding a jade bottle.

"He Bo, I'm leaving first, you take care of yourself."

He He still wanted to say something, but Gu Nuoxian left the old house with brisk steps.

Sitting alone on the stone bench, He He let out a long sigh.

"What are these things!"


In the middle of the night, Ji Pulin finally woke up.

He looked at the unfamiliar scenes around him, feeling a little confused about where he was.The door was pushed open, and Song Yu walked in silently. "Jigong, are you awake?" Seeing Ji Pulin opened his eyes, Song Yu's indifferent eyes finally became a little more floating.

When Ji Pulin saw Song Yu, he was obviously relieved.

"It's Xiaoyu? Where am I?" Ji Pulin struggled to sit up, but his whole body was powerless.Song Yu hurried to the bed and helped Ji Pulin up.He put a pillow under him, and then said: "Master Nuo decided to bring you back without authorization. Mr. Ji Xuan will arrive tomorrow morning. Don't worry too much. Mr. Ji Xuan can cure your illness." Song Yu doesn't know how to say nice things, but just tells the facts in a straight-forward manner.

(End of this chapter)

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