Chapter 618
Ji Pulin thought he was comforting himself, and laughed it off when he heard the words.

The virus on his body has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, so it is not so easy to cure.

He scanned around the room before asking Song Yu weakly, "Is your son-in-law here?"

"Master Nuo has something to deal with now, so he will come later."


Ji Pulin rolled his eyes again, and then squinted his sharp eyes and asked Song Yu: "Where is our Ah Ruo? Why haven't we seen her lately?"

Song Yu blinked, organized his words in his mind, and then lied without changing his face. "Madam has recently picked up a foreign movie. I flew to country M early this morning. If you are worried, I will call Madam right now and ask you to talk to me, okay?"

When Ji Pulin heard that Ji Ruo had gone abroad to film a movie, his doubts dissipated.

Seeing that Song Yu took out his mobile phone to make a call, he hurriedly stopped him. "Hey! Xiaoyu, stop beating. You'd better not tell Ah Ruo about my illness, lest she be distracted from work."

Song Yu looked at Ji Pulin hesitantly, and asked uncertainly, "So... it's not good to hide it from Madam..."

"It's okay! If Ah Ruo asks me these days, you can find any reason to prevaricate it. Don't let her know about me. She is busy enough with work, so I won't bother her."

After Ji Pulin finished speaking, he felt tired again.

He lay down and fell asleep.

Seeing that he was asleep, Song Yu felt relieved.

Just now he was just pretending that Ji Ruo's cell phone was still off, so he couldn't get through.


At around four o'clock in the morning, Ji Xuanyu and Lai Changxi got off the plane together.

Gu Nuoxian personally went to pick them up.

"Mr. Ji Xuan, should we go to the hotel to rest first, or should we go and see how Jigong is doing?"

Ji Xuanyu held Lai Changxi's hand and sat in the back row. He caught up on the plane's sleep. At this time, his eyes were still clear and energetic, without any cloudiness. "Go to the courtyard, we will live there, I will check his body first, and I will confirm the specific time for the operation tomorrow morning."



Ji Xuanyu drew blood full of two blood bags at a time, and then stopped.

"Mr. Ji, well, you must recharge your batteries now, and I will tell you the specific operation arrangements after the examination results come out." Ji Xuanyu looked at Ji Pulin with complicated eyes.For Ji Pulin, on the one hand, he was grateful to him, and on the other hand, he was a little jealous.

Ji Pulin raised Ji Ruo for twenty years.

But Ji Pulin also occupied the father's love that originally belonged to him for 20 years.

Ji Xuanyu was not ignorant, but he had to admit that he was a little unhappy.As a father, who doesn't want to get along with his daughter happily and share the family happiness?

Ji Pulin nodded as he said, he closed his eyes, and heard Ji Xuanyu's footsteps leaving.

"Mr. Ji Xuan!"

Ji Pulin suddenly called out to stop him.Ji Xuanyu looked sideways at Ji Pulin, his cold brows still furrowed. "What is it?"

Ji Pulin opened his eyes, looked at Ji Xuanyu, and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, you are A Ruo's biological father, right?" At Ji Ruo's wedding last time, Lai Changxi gave her the priceless Windsor A crown, such a precious thing, how could it be given to a stranger casually.

At the wedding, Ji Xuan and his wife never took their eyes off Ji Ruo.As the person involved, if Ji Ruo didn't notice it, it doesn't mean that he, a father, couldn't notice it.

A little surprise flashed in Ji Xuanyu's eyes, he took a deep look at Ji Pulin, and then nodded slightly. "I'm."

(End of this chapter)

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