Chapter 619
When Ji Pulin heard this, his worried heart became more dependent. "Mr. Ji Xuan, if my operation fails this time... I hope you can ignore me and take over and raise her for 20 years. I hope you can still treat her as a supreme treasure."

"Ah Ruo, it hasn't been easy these years. In order to heal me, she gave up her dream of being a singer and entered the entertainment industry that she doesn't like. As his father, I really feel sorry..." Ji Pulin Said, his eyes turned red.

Ji Xuanyu looked at her silently, and remained silent for a while.

"Ah Ruo, she is very good, don't worry, that child is still a good child. I may not be able to give her a life of prosperity, wealth, wealth, clothing, and food, but I have never been sloppy in educating children's moral character. I know you He is a well-known character, if Ruoruo returns home in the future, if there is something unsatisfactory in his performance, I hope you will not dislike him."

"After all, a child will always be a child, and she has worked hard to get better."

Ji Pulin didn't understand Ji Xuanyu and his wife, and he was worried about Ji Ruo's future until he died.He believed that Ji Xuan and his wife also loved Ji Ruo, but he was worried that Ji Ruo's current family background would make Ji Xuan and his wife unacceptable.

In Ji Xuanyu's view, his worry was too much.

But as a father, his worries seemed understandable.

Ji Xuanyu's already frowning brows became even more sad. He walked back to Ji Pulin's side, looked at Ji Pulin from above, and his cold voice came to Ji Pulin's ears: "We are both fathers, I hope you understand that I love her no less than you."

"If you are his adoptive father, what's more about me as his biological father?" Ji Xuanyu crossed his arms, his beautiful face under the incandescent light was still magnificent. "In these years, we have missed her all the time. Her disappearance has always been a pain in the hearts of my lover and me. It was hard to find her, and it was too late for us to love her, so how could we despise her now."

"Ji Ruo, even if she grows in the mud, she is still a tough lotus root, not stained with mud, clean and attractive. My Ji Xuanyu's child may not be perfect, but there is one thing I can be sure of, that is, She never disappoints me and my lover."

"People from Ji Xuan's family have always been people to be proud of." He pulled up the bed sheet and said, "It's getting late, take a good rest."

Ji Pulin watched Ji Xuanyu walk out of the ward, but didn't say anything at the end.


"Prepare enough and pure type B blood immediately, we will operate on him tonight." Ji Xuanyu said to Gu Nuoxian, who was on the side, wearing a mask.Gu Nuoxian responded before asking, "Do you need me to arrange an assistant for you?"

Ji Xuanyu snorted softly, "Ordinary people can't catch my eyes, even if they come, it's an eyesore."

"It's from the Minxiu family."

Ji Xuanyu put away the contempt in his eyes, and asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"Mo Mingxi."

"Mo Mingxi?" Ji Xuanyu searched in his mind for a long time, and a youthful face appeared in his mind. "I remember him, he is a good junior." Said Ji Xuanyu, tacitly acquiesced to Gu Nuoxian's proposal.

"Then I'll go get in touch with him."


Holding the white jade bottle, Ji Xuanyu glanced at the morning light outside the window, with a hint of caution in his eyes.


Ji Pulin was tied to the operating table.

More than a dozen blood vessels extended from Ji Pulin's body in an orderly manner, and finally gathered in an oversized blood bag.Ji Xuanyu and Mo Mingxi looked at each other, bent down at the same time, and inserted the pillow into several major arteries in Ji Pulin's body that were most likely to bleed.

(End of this chapter)

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