S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 625 Colosseum 1 Battle Roll Chapter Russia

Chapter 625 Return to Russia after the Battle of the Colosseum (4)
She looked up at the sky, and in the open sky, a little bit of starlight was twinkling.

There are cicadas singing in the distance, and there is also the whimpering sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

Seeing her position clearly, Lucica was a little surprised.Lucica frowned, and asked Song Yu in a cold voice, "Tezhu Song, what did you bring me here for?" She clearly realized that what she was in now was a Colosseum.

Although the Colosseum is small, it is deadly enough.

Lucica turned her ears sideways, and could faintly hear the roars of certain animals.

Song Yu turned around, he was wearing a long silver trench coat today, with short handsome black hair, his black eyes were filled with coldness and dissatisfaction. "Lucika, if you can survive, you can ask for blessings." After Song Yu finished speaking, he ignored Lucica's confusion and turned back to the way he came.

Song Yu clicked the big lock on the iron door and closed it.

Song Yu stepped onto the high platform, and he used all his strength to lower the heavy gate.

The gate opened, and three hungry tigers rushed out of the small cage immediately.



The tiger spontaneously formed a circular camp to surround Lucica.The three adult tigers all stared fiercely at Lucica with their big gray-yellow eyes, refusing to move away.Lucica clenched her hands, and her red lips were drawn into a straight line, but she knew in her heart that tonight, either she would be completely reduced to food in the tiger's mouth, or the tiger would become a dead thing under her feet.

Lucica was wearing black trousers and a dark red leather jacket, with short dagger blades wrapped around her thighs.

The tiger looked at the silver weapons on Lucica's lap a few more times, and finally realized that those weapons were not deadly enough, so it let out a wild roar. Then, the three tigers' forelimbs were activated at the same time, and the body was like a bursting sharp arrow. Jumped straight towards Lucica.

A tiger leaped past her, its claws gleaming silver in the night.Lucica's eyes turned cold, her calves and knees were bent, and her upper body was at ninety degrees to the ground, maintaining a bent posture.

The tiger couldn't react in time, leaped past her, and collided with another tiger on the opposite side.

The muffled sound of two heads colliding was astonishing.

The tigers all rolled to the ground.

Lucica dodged two of the tigers, but had no luck with the third.

The third tiger didn't have much flesh on his body, but every piece of flesh was quite strong and muscular.It is very thin, but very powerful. The tiger jumped in the air, and its five front paws fluttered downwards. The sharp claws tore Lucica's leather clothes, and only a puff was heard from the snow-white abdomen. Then, streaks of bright red blood flowed out from the abdominal wound.

It was as if the needle tube filled with blood was being pushed by someone's fingers, the blood overflowed along the needle tip, and melted into five bright red curves in the air.


As soon as Lucica rolled, she had no time to treat the wound, and the thin tiger attacked her again.

This time, it used its springy hind legs.

The hind legs of a tiger have four claws respectively.Each claw was extremely sharp, and all eight claws stepped on Lucica's neck. Some of the sharper claws penetrated directly into Lucica's neck.

The tiger leaned down, opened its mouth wide, and tried to bite Lucica's head.

Lucica stretched out her right hand and grabbed the tiger's head firmly, preventing its sharp teeth from getting close to her head.At the same time, she stretched her left hand to her thigh, and drew out the shortest and sharpest dagger from it.

(End of this chapter)

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