S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 626 Colosseum 1 Battle Roll Chapter Russia

Chapter 626 Return to Russia after the Battle of the Colosseum (5)
Raising the dagger, Lucica concentrated all her strength on her left wrist.


She slashed down fiercely with the knife, directly blinding the tiger's right eye.


Suddenly, the tiger bit its head wildly, and the hind limb inserted into Lucica's neck was also taken out at this time. The tiger staggered back as if it had gone crazy.Blood flowed from the tiger's right eye, staining its slightly dull hair after it had crawled on the ground.

Lucica snorted coldly, and quickly got off the ground.She also drew another dagger from her thigh with her right hand, holding the dagger in both hands.Lu Xika's still intact legs kicked on the ground, and her body immediately rose into the air.

"go to hell!"

Lucica was like a jaguar, she moved very nimbly, her legs spread apart in mid-air, and when she landed, she was riding firmly on the tiger's back.The tiger struggled and swayed, but it didn't fall faster than the dagger in Lucica's hand.

The two daggers thrust into the tiger's neck together.



The tiger fell, but Lucica didn't let it go.The hands holding the dagger cut to the left and right, forcibly separating the tiger's head from its neck.Lucica lifted the tiger's head and stood up.She looked at the other two tigers staring at him coldly, without the slightest fear in her eyes.


The slightly smaller tiger roared at Lucica, with a touch of human fear in its eyes.

Lucica threw the tiger's head in front of the two tigers, she clapped her hands, and her eyes were full of fighting anger.Seeing Lucica's fearless appearance, the two-character tiger began to hesitate.

Lucica simply lay on the ground, imitating the posture of a tiger, kneeling on all fours.She grinned, her bewitching face was full of ferocity. "Roar!" She opened her mouth, and a tiger roar came out of her mouth.

Hearing the roar of the tiger, the two tigers were stunned at the same time. They hesitated to look at Lucica again, and the fear in their eyes became more and more intense.


The two tigers turned around suddenly, each ran back to their cages and stayed there, refusing to come out again.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

On the high platform, Song Yu clapped his hands lazily.

Lucia sat down on the tray, and she took off her leather jacket, and then took off her cotton top.Using a dagger to tear off his jacket, and tightly wrapped the wounds on his neck and abdomen, Lucica raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Yu on the high platform.

Her eyes were filled with anger and resentment.

Song Yu came down from the high platform. He walked up to Lucica's side and looked down at the bloody woman. Song Yu said blankly, "Before sunrise tomorrow morning, go back to Russia!"

Lucica's complexion changed slightly, she looked up at Song Yu, and asked stubbornly, "What's wrong with me?"

"What crime did you commit, you don't know?" Song Yu slowly knelt down, looking at Lucica's cheek, with disappointment in his eyes for the first time. "Lucika, we are also friends who have fought side by side. This time, you have gone too far."

Song Yu put away the disappointment that shouldn't have been in his eyes, he stood up, and said again: "Everything tonight was ordered by Master Nuo. Lucica, don't make such stupid mistakes again. If you make a mistake for the first time, you can rely on it." If I survived by my own ability, I can still forgive you. If you dare to have a next time, I will not personally take action to solve you." At that time, it should be Master Nuo who came to find her in person.

"Now, get the hell out of here immediately."

Song Yu's figure disappeared bit by bit at the end of the incandescent light.

Lucica's eyes were resentful and angry, and her heart was full of jealousy and resentment.She dedicated her whole life to this organization, but in the end, because of a woman, the organization wanted to abandon her... Lucica stood up slowly, clutching her neck, and left this area slowly, with despair and loneliness all over her body. Colosseum.


On the second day after the operation, Ji Pulin showed no sign of waking up.

But the signs of his life are still there.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day... It lasted for half a month, and he didn't wake up.Ji Pulin's heartbeat became stronger day by day, and on the sixth day of No.20, Ji Pulin's heartbeat finally returned to a normal heartbeat speed.

Gu Nuoxian has been by his side during this time, and he has clearly witnessed all the suffering Ji Pulin suffered.Only after witnessing that kind of suffering with his own eyes, did he understand how insignificant human life is in front of illness.

After one month and eight days, Ji Pulin finally woke up.

On the day he woke up, he felt a strong sense of trance in his heart.

He raised his hands with difficulty, squinted at Chen Xi, and finally murmured: "It's been so long, I almost forgot what it's like to live a happy life without suffering from illness..."

When Ji Pulin woke up, Ms. Su and Mr. Gu, who would come to repay her every day, were also relieved.Since Ji Pulin just woke up, his body has not eaten for more than a month, and he only relies on glucose to maintain his vitality every day. Now his stomach is extremely unsuitable for food.

For the first few days, he still could only live on glucose.After a week, Ji Xuanyu allowed him to barely drink a few sips of clear porridge. Day by day, Ji Pulin's physical condition gradually improved, and the headlines in the Chinese entertainment circle and major entertainment newspapers spread one after another. information--

The popular artist Ji Ruo, defeated the international actress Shao Yunqi and many well-known Asian female artists, and was favored by directors Aldridge and Thompson, and will soon play an important role in the new science fiction movie "The Last Man".

(End of this chapter)

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