S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 627 I Don't Like You Because I Love You

Chapter 627 I Don't Like You Because I Love You (1)
Gu Nuoxian looked at the newspaper, obviously it was secretly photographed, the photo of Ji Ruo and director Thompson appearing in the same coffee shop, it was as if a nail had been planted under his feet, he couldn't sit still no matter what.

He threw the newspaper into the wastebasket, left the company, and drove to the courtyard in person.

Gu Nuoxian went straight into the kitchen, boiled a bowl of millet and vegetable porridge, served it in a porcelain bowl, and brought it into the ward.

Ji Pulin was still lying on the hospital bed, his whole body was extremely thin, and he always gave people the illusion that he would disappear if you blinked.

"Dad, are you feeling better today?"

Gu Nuoxian put the porridge on the bedside table and sat down next to the stool beside the hospital bed.Ji Pulin opened his eyes slightly, and he stared at Gu Nuoxian for a few seconds, his eyes filled with trance. "Suddenly I heard Dad, and I thought it was Ah Ruo." Ji Pulin mentioned Ji Ruo, his eyes were a little dark.

Gu Nuoxian lowered his head, silently picked up the bowl of porridge, put it near his mouth and blew it before handing it to Ji Pulin's mouth.

Ji Pulin opened his mouth and took a bite. He stared at Gu Nuoxian, his old eyes shone with shrewdness. "Nuo Nuo, tell me the truth, are you and us A Ruo having a conflict? During this period of time, I called A Ruo, and she hardly mentioned you, which is not normal."

Gu Nuoxian opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond.

"Nuo Nuo, when this couple is together, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps. But you have been together for more than a year, what kind of storms and waves have you not experienced? The threshold of life and death has been crossed several times, and there are still conflicts that cannot be overcome. What?" Ji Pulin still seemed struggling to speak, he had to lean on the pillow and try to speak in a gentle tone.

Gu Nuoxian looked out the window with a complicated expression, and then he fed Ji Pulin another spoonful of porridge before pretending to be relaxed and saying, "Actually, it's not a big deal."

"Tell me, what is it?"

Gu Nuoxian glanced around, and finally told Ji Pulin what Ji Ruo saw and heard that night under Ji Pulin's deep gaze.

Ji Pulin was unexpectedly silent after listening.

"You said, she once asked you, who are you in love with?" Ji Pulin narrowed his old eyes, and his eyes were sharp no matter how they looked.Gu Nuoxian nodded honestly. At this moment, he was not the mighty Eric, but a son-in-law who was questioned by his father-in-law and humbly accepted.

"Then have you ever thought about why she cares so much about this issue?"

"Isn't it because I didn't tell her the truth about her identity, so she misunderstood?" Gu Nuoxian was at a loss. Hearing Ji Pulin's question, it seemed that there was another way.

It was rare for Ji Pulin to look at Gu Nuoxian with the look that you are an idiot.

"I understand what kind of person we Ah Ruo are. She won't run away from you just because you simply loved someone else. If you ask me, there must be something wrong with you in the process of getting along with her. It caused her to have a problem." Kind of, you don't love her, but through the illusion that she is looking for a substitute."

What Ji Pulin said was true, and Gu Nuoxian couldn't help but calm down and listen to the teaching with an open mind.

Stirring the porridge in the bowl with the spoon in his hand, he asked in surprise, "Dad, how do you understand this? As far as I know, you have never married a wife in your life. These love affairs How do you know so much?"

Ji Pulin stared at him, he snorted, and then said: "Have you ever seen a pig running without eating pork? Besides, when I was young, I was never short of women. I never married a wife in my life, but I never met one." Find the right person. If I can’t meet the right person, then I won’t force it. Fate, I will catch it when it comes, and I won’t look for it if it doesn’t come. Later, I picked up a daughter who didn’t want money to raise, and I found out that life It’s fun to live like that.”

(End of this chapter)

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