S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 628 I Don't Like You Because I Love You

Chapter 628 I Don't Like You Because I Love You (2)
Gu Nuoxian seemed to understand but not understand.

Gu Nuoxian stood up after feeding Ji Pulin a bowl of porridge himself.He called Ji Ruo again, but it still reminded him that the phone had been turned off. He finally understood that Ji Ruo had brought his number closer to the blacklist.

He glanced at the sky, in late autumn, the leaves began to wither, the blue sky was still blue, but the person he was thinking of was not by his side.

He thought, it's time for him to go to Country M to find his wife.


Ji Ruo's car was parked in a location shooting area in Los Angeles.

She pushed open the car door and walked down to the studio. When she was about to enter the studio, Ji Ruo couldn't help but look back.

"What's the matter, Miss Ji?"

Seeing her suddenly stop and turn her head to look behind, Naiyazi asked puzzledly.

Leng Mo glanced at the back, most of the staff coming and going were European and American faces, she searched carefully in the crowd, for some reason, she always felt that there was a familiar gaze, somewhere she couldn't see, a Staring at her without blinking.

After searching for several seconds, I couldn't find anyone with the same problem.

Ji Ruo lowered her head, wondering if she was worrying too much.

Shaking his head, Ji Ruo walked into the set with Naiyazi.After joining the crew for more than [-] days, she has already become acquainted with the people on the set. Although she is a rare Asian face in the crew, no one dares to despise her.

It's not how powerful she is, but two huge forces have invested in the film one after another, and one of the investment conditions clearly states that it must be ensured that Ji Ruo will not be discriminated against or treated unfairly in the film crew.

Thompson has worked hard in this circle for so many years, so he naturally understands what this request means.

Behind Ji Ruo, there must be a strong background.

Thompson looked at the woman in a tight black leather jacket and holding a long silver knife, and wondered what kind of identity she was, who would disturb the executive president of GA International, one of the top ten companies in the world economic rankings, located in the Americas division. Mr. Crow visited him personally, just to say hello and ask him to take good care of Ji Ruo.

What shocked him even more was that the wife of the very mysterious Jixuan family in Country M actually approached him in person, and asked him to take care of Ji Ruo more by name.He had to be terrified that two big figures that Thompson could never reach in a row came to him in succession, all because of Ji Ruo alone.

Thompson walked to the monitor and sat down, and then said to Ji Ruo, who had already tied up the wire, and the actor Walter: "Actors are ready, start shooting immediately!"

"The Last Man" is about the leakage of the information of a perverted experiment, which was used by the villain Jerry to spread a virus called "Nightfall" to the whole world, and eventually endanger the entire human race, leading to the near extinction of human beings. story.

There are only the last 1000 people left in the world who have not been infected with the virus, and Hall played by Wald is one of these 1000 people.He was originally a movie martial arts star, but because of a gas explosion in the middle of filming, he was injured and became a vegetative state.

When he woke up again, he was the only living person left in the whole city.

He walked on foot in a city full of corpses, and thoroughly experienced the loneliness of being alone in the world.Later, he found an old plane and flew out of this deserted empty city to find more survivors.

On the way of searching, he met countless people who were lucky enough to survive, but in the end, all of them were infected by the virus due to various accidental reasons, and finally died in front of Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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